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  • Real Name
    Will Padgett
  • Location
    Nashville, TN

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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Male

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  1. Hey Doug, just saw this topic today--those auditions were very interesting to hear! For the record, I thought you were definitely the best. You're a monster on that vibe...tasty stuff.
  2. Anybody ever thought about doing a book of video game stands music? Like, for basketball games and whatnot. But it would be way more fitting for gaming competitions. Wouldn't that be badass to have a full pep band playing rousing battle music for video game tournaments! Just wondering if anybody else thinks this could be a good idea--alternatively, let me know if I'm being an idiot.
  3. I'm lovin all the help you guys are giving me, there's just no way one person can remember all of the great music of the NES-PSX/N64 without some help. On that note, though, what do you guys think about the inclusion of these more unrepresented series, namely almost all of the ones suzumebachi has mentioned? Here's the problem I'm going to have to face--I have no doubt that I would love the music of many of those games (I'll admit, I haven't played most of those you mentioned), but this is going to a mainstream audience as well, and I'd like to really try to cover as many of the bases as I can as far as music most people know. I know, I know, it may disappointing that I'm not planning on including every stunning RPG of the 90s, but I feel it's important to make a list of: 1) Plenty of well known tracks from well known games 2) Some lesser known tracks from moderately well known games 3) A dash of music from games mostly unheard of by the mainstream gamers--these tracks would likely be more title-themes. I think it's a good idea to use title themes/very significant themes from these 'unheard of' games, as long as it's strong material (which I'm sure it is) Keep it coming guys! I appreciate all of the posts so far. EDIT: Coop, thanks a lot for that list, I was a bit worried about the oversaturation of one publisher...this list is going to be a real trip to organize.
  4. I'm surprised no one's mentioned the N64/PSX boom adapter? They're on ebay for 10 bucks, and everyone who plays Super Smash Bros 64 online (I used to) has one. I liked using a N64 controller for N64 games and a PSX dual shock for anything else. I personally think a PSX controller is the best for any SNES gaming, as it's set up very similarly. Here's a link! http://cgi.ebay.com/N64-PS2-PS1-Controller-Converter-PC-USB-adapter-New-/180540705156?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Video_Games_Accessories&hash=item2a09108984 (seems they've gone up 5 bucks. still not bad i guess)
  5. Without going into too much detail, I can say that I'm undertaking a big project involving lots of video game music! And it's very difficult, but I am selecting only a few songs from a small list of games from the past. I would like the OCR board's opinions of what should be included, game-wise and song-wise. Here's what I have got so far: Mario -nintendo Zelda -nintendo Metroid -nintendo FF 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 -square enix Sonic -sega Castlevania -konami F-Zero -nintendo Contra -konami Donkey Kong (plus diddy kong racing) -nintendo Kirby -nintendo Megaman -capcom Metal Gear -konami Mike Tyson's Punchout -nintendo Earthbound -nintendo Ninja Gaiden -Tecmo Pokemon -nintendo Breath of Fire -Capcom Chrono Trigger -square enix Earthworm Jim -Interplay Banjo-Kazooie -rareware Secret of Mana -square enix Star Fox -nintendo Tetris -nintendo Goldeneye 007 -nintendo Crash Bandicoot -Universal Interactive Fire Emblem -nintendo Golden Sun -nintendo Kingdom Hearts -square enix Phantasy Star Online (and predecessors) -sega Vectorman -sega I know this is a lot of Nintendo games, but I'm trying to keep it in the 'classic' era--the 80s and 90s. Even so, I am sure this list could use some amending with your help. 400 or so songs total is my goal. Which games/series have I missed, or have I included that is maybe less significant to the history of video game music? Also remember, the more games, the less songs from each game I can include. It's extremely difficult to narrow the large RPG soundtracks down to a few songs to stay around 400 songs, but...it has to be done. There must also be a balance between mainstream familiarity and the 'deeper-into-the-videogame-culture' tunes, if that makes sense--namely, RPGs. I'd just like some opinions from other people here genuinely interested in popularizing vgm!
  6. My thoughts exactly. My friends and I call Finale's playback the "hobbit orchestra" for a reason So maybe the GPO library I have isn't actually that bad, it's just Finale's inhuman playback? I'll try to work with the GPO in garageband, just playing in the notes and playing with articulations, and if it's at all better than Finale, I'll be on a good start. From there I need to learn to use Cubase/Logic. I think you guys have given me the info I need to go out and learn a lot. Thanks!
  7. Indeed some very helpful advice...thanks for outlining the differences in those two programs, Cerrax. Fortunately those two programs were the ones I was most considering. Now that I know about the different formats of samples, I can read up on the topic. Thanks! As for Garageband, I am pretty fluent with it, at least before it went crazy with features like the audition mode or whatever...lol. But yeah, I know how to use garageband, it's pretty straightforward. Logic is....not. Hahaha. But you're right, they're related and it would help me to practice up with GB before buying Logic if I decide on it. Another question--regarding Finale, I know you can substitute the garritan orchestra that comes with it your own sample library. Would that actually sound decent? I'm betting it's a better idea to let Finale do its thing with notation, and use another real program like Logic/Cubase for the audio product. Also--thanks for eliminating ProTools for me. I didn't wanna go there
  8. I consider myself a ready and able composer and am used to writing out music for ensembles to play, but I have realized that...I don't have a studio orchestra or even any means of recording my friends play my music And I need to learn to make a real product, not just notes on a page, lol. I need to start investing a lot of time and interest in sequencing my music, which I used to do with pure MIDI + Reason 3. But now I'm in a different boat. I want to literally input the exact notes I have written out for a chamber group into a program, have convincing samples play them, and come out with a professional product. LoLz yes, I'm joining the bandwagon. I am reasonably experienced with sequencing/MIDI, but not very with live audio. I don't think I will even need live audio experience to pursue this aspect of what I'm doing. Lemme just ask some basic questions. 1) What program should I use for OS X? I only have Reason, which only uses refills. I think it's time to use professional samples, so what software uses VSTs/digital instruments? Does Logic Express? Or should I go with ProTools LE? Or Cubase? Or something else? 2) Is my methodology correct? I used to just throw in instrument parts with my keyboard and my ear, but now I'm planning on having full scores written out and just inputting them into the software. Then tweaking to make it sounds correct. 3) As for that "tweaking"...I know that's a serious field of study. Any recommended books for me to understanding mixing and mastering better? Thanks everyone!
  9. Oh my goodness!! When I saw your name as a reply to my topic, I couldn't believe it. Hahaha, you're the guy I thought of first for 'flute,' but I figured it was a long shot. Do you want to get on AIM so I can show you the files?

    You don't have to do anything, but if you want to take a look at it, feel free to get on AIM...my screenname is 'willyp933.' And, I REALLY wouldn't need a 200% perfect recording. ANYTHING live is better to me than finale. :)

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  10. Hey there! Yeah, I'd be happy to send you the parts. Do you want a finale file or pdf? Or jpg?

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  11. I have written two pieces that are fairly short in length (2 minutes each), and aren't particularly difficult. I want to put them in my porfolio on my website but the Garritan samples just don't seem all that professional Would anyone be interested in getting the sheet music and playing through the part with a metronome into a wav file? They're woodwind quintets, so: -Flute -Oboe -Bb Clarinet -F Horn -Bassoon If this is a totally stupid idea, let me know! Hahaha. I just don't know how else to get this done. I don't have any good orchestral samples.
  12. I recently got back from a weekend of a jazz honor band where i played piano and it was basically the most fun I've had playing music, ever. Everyone was very very good and would come up to me and start snapping for a tempo and throw a Real Book up and we'd start playing stuff, as i drowned in inferiority LOL. My point is, I want to find a drummer, bassist, and guitarist that can start a jazz combo with me, but I don't know where to find people like that. I am a senior in high school. I am in a larger funk band with this girl bassist who is excellent but is very flaky so I don't think she'd be ideal for a small group. As for drummers, well, I have no clue. All of the drummers i know (and i know several because me and my friends are all in drumline) would probably not hold up to the jazz combo style...i mean, at this honor band thing, the drummer was a sophomore and seemed totally fluent with all kinds of styles, like he could do the jazz feet stuff (2 and 4 on hi-hat pedal) and the swung or straight threes on the ride like it was NOTHING, at fast tempos...i want to be around that. I know that will make me a lot better, being with decent jazz players. I'm sure i'm not the only one here who's been in this sort of situation before. What can you guys recommend for finding people that can play jazz with me? Like out of fakebooks and stuff?
  13. I may be getting my college laptop for christmas if I decide to get it now...but I dont know if I should wait until the summer. I know that the current line of macbooks was a fairly recent upgrade, so i dont think they'll come out with a new model by this summer, and I don't think the prices will drop. On the other hand, the new OS should come out then and I've always heard it's a good idea to not buy a laptop until its model is more than a few months old, to sort out kinks and stuff. But I could just buy the new OS and install on my laptop if I already had it, that's no problem. Is there any reason I shouldn't just get the college laptop for christmas instead of waiting for summer? Not to mention I have no other ideas for what i want...lol maybe some more 5A sticks...which are what, $4? heh.
  14. I am planning on recording 4 parts some time soon...2 marimba parts, a vibraphone, and a xylophone. I really have no idea how to do do this with my resources...I have a friend with loads of mics, his dad is a producer, but I don't know what I should use for this. I'm hoping I can get a good recording out of a simple SM58 or something, and just hook the SM58 into an MBox and record in protools LE...if I can't find an mbox/protools, maybe I'll just plug the 58 into an 1/8" converter so it can go straight into the computer and record with audacity or something? I'll try to bring someone along that knows more about sound engineering than me (LOL), but I'm planning on recording these parts and dubbing over the rest of my percussion parts with midi and samples. Did my idea of recording with the 58 + 1/8" convertor sound okay? Or is the lack of the audio interface going to be disastrous?
  15. I've finally decided to major in composition in college...the schools I'm looking are: -Indiana (Jacobs) -North Texas -Belmont (they have a commercial comp program!), this is near home in TN for me -MTSU, also near home, pretty inexpensive school -University of Tennessee, inexpensive option, could probably get a full ride here on merit, but IDK much about their music department. I've heard it's great, but...everyone says that about everywhere >.< I really like Belmont's commercial composition program, it includes all kinds of styles and Belmont's in Nashville where there's lots of business opportunity. But I hear about big name schools like North Texas and Jacobs and wonder if they have more to offer. What do you guys think? Any other options you can throw out here?
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