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Posts posted by ZealPath

  1. Although I found it enjoyable to listen to, I also found it very close to the source, in both cases. I know Final Fantasy boss themes like the back of my hand so this was very evident for me off the bat.

    The merging was a good idea for a remix theme overall, but at the moment the songs are very close to as they were originally, with some different instrumentation. If you can find a way to add more new content, like how you ended it, this could get very interesting. The drums aren't quite as strong as I would expect in both songs, so that might be another thing to look at.

    You may want to have a listen to "Neo Exdeath" from "The Black Mages III" to see what they did with their guitars and synth just to get some ideas.

  2. This is great, I have to say I was happy to see that you've come out with another album since I did like Antechamber as well. This in my opinion is even better, quite a few of the tracks "really stood out" to me, I think Transparent and In the Mist are my starting favorites but overall, I expect this album to be getting a lot of airtime over here :smile: .

  3. haha this has gotten.. a little more entertaining now. Honestly the vocals remind me of Zapp & Roger, or maybe if you're looking for a little more modern reference, as hesitant as I am to say this, T-Pain.

    Only part that may be a little too silly to really fly with me is the voiceover, but even that might work if it could sound more evil or something.

  4. I actually have mixed feelings about 31 seconds... I've seen a few other people in this thread praise it... and while I really like the musical aspect of it... the piano is fantastic... I'm kind of dumbfounded by the random sound clips mixed into it... they seem completely unrelated to doom... they don't reinforce anything for me... they're just kind of there getting in the way of the awesome music that's playing

    can anybody explain what they're there for?... Mr. Revoredo?... or perhaps a listener has some insights?... if an instrumental version of the song were released, it would probably become one of my favorites as well... any chance of that happening?

    To be honest, the part about I appreciate about the voiceover sound clips is that they sound like they're from an early 80s videotape or something, something that's essentially been lost to time. That and it's just very unique, I mean I don't know, but when's the last time you heard something like that used in a mix. I do consider it a little weird but that is definitely the beauty of remixing in general, you never know what someone will come up with next.

    As far as them being related to Doom, well I'd have to agree with you there, they aren't at all, they're just another creative outlet, and to be honest I'd love to hear more from the mixer as to what gave them the idea to use these clips in their mix. I wouldn't say that the sound clips make the mix or anything, that's probably more the piano, but they're a nice touch in my opinion. All in all "31 Seconds" is a bit of a blip as far as the whole Doom II theme goes on this album, the song overall conveys a very positive feeling, to me anyway, especially compared to the original which like all Doom music is a pretty aggressive song, but this change is hardly a bad thing.

    As for the omitted songs, I won't lie, I would have loved to hear mixes of Map7, Map18 (especially this one!), and Map28 as well, but what you can you do, I know I'll take what I can get.

    Also I'm glad someone pointed out the IDDQD thing... I consider myself a fairly serious doom fan, at least of the original doom engine games and I missed that reference as well. At least the title of the album makes sense now :< .

  5. Nice work, when I first started listening I couldn't quite pick it out, but it ended up being the same song I visualized when I read the title: The MM4 Final Battle song. Took a little while to get going but once it did, wow, I really like it so far!

    If it sounds this good now I can't wait to hear what it sounds like after you finish the arrangement. Sorry, no technical commentary, I'm not any good at that :< .

  6. I was thinking about that, the missing songs from what I can tell are Map4, Map5, Map7, Map18, and Map28, I'm not entirely sure which ones were based on "real songs," with the exception of Map23 being based on Alice in Chains' "Them Bones."

    Seeing how Map23 was remixed on this album ("No Smoking Area"), I'm not entirely sure this would be the reason the other tracks were excluded. They also didn't remix Map31 and Map32 but I find this very understandable since those were bonus, Wolfenstein-3D themed levels which also used music from Wolfenstein, which wouldn't really have been appropriate for a Doom II remix album.

    In any case, the tracks that were done are awesome, and I'll certainly take what I can get.

  7. Lots of cool stuff here, funny thing is I only first read about this album yesterday then all of a sudden it gets released, some timing! I like it the same way I liked DSoP, it does a good job of preserving the Doom atmosphere while changing things up in the crazy "who would have thought of that" way that only OCR can.

    Gonna have to agree that "31 seconds" is very unique and cool, I think we're too early to make a call on a clear favorite though, "The Healer Stalks" is another of my favorites since it takes what is debatebly one of the most boring songs in all of Doom and Doom II and makes it interesting again.

    Odds are it won't get half the fanfare something like VoTL would, but I think it's fair to say the appeal of a Doom remix album can't quite compete with something like Super Mertroid or FFVII.

  8. I agree that it has some addictive qualities, I listed to it once then found myself reaching for it again about 10 minutes later, always a good sign :? . Vocal mixes can be hard to sell to me depending on the genre but pixietricks has always been the exception, this one being just as good. Still trying to wrap my head around the lyrics but hey, it sounds beautiful.

  9. Well this is flat out amazing, haven't actually played it yet but the demo video was enough to sell me. Totally faithful 8-bit recreation from what I saw, including the music, very nice to see when you grew up with the nes titles.

    I wonder how this guy pulled it all off, it seems obvious that he imported a lot of the content from other 8-bit MM games but it's still very impressive the way it's done.

  10. Probably my favorite genre of remix so I was very happy to see this, I liked your Ibuki stage mix as well but this one sounds very polished, nice job and looking forward to seeing what else you might do with it.

  11. Like what you have going here, nice to see a rather unpopular SF III Character getting some love. I'm not really sure what could improve it, it does sound a little underpolished at the moment which may just be a result of the youtube compression.

    Would love a link to an mp3 if this keeps developing.

  12. I like the new intro, it's the same idea but the modded bass makes it sound more mysterious or something along those lines which is pretty much what this mix is trying to do (or so I assume).

    The new ending is a little weird so I'm with on you on that idea, it sounds a little disconnected from the song, sort of tacked on.

  13. Really glad to see this mix getting some love, I like the new work with the piano too, to be honest I've been happy with this mix in all three stages for different reasons, but this is a song I was always hoping for a good remix of so I guess I'm easy to please.

    I have to say, since I don't think anyone else has mentioned it that I also really like how you inserted the spellcasting sound from secret of mana at several points of the song, just makes it feel all the more like the atmosphere of the game.

  14. You know I've been listening to this every day for the last 5 days or so and even the way it is, I've become a pretty huge fan of this mix. I think I like the more mellow parts anyway so that may be why the overall lack of bass bothers me less than others.

    The ending still throws me off though, I'm still expecting it to kick back into the upbeat part one more time before it ends, but then it just ends. Anyway I have high hopes for this one, great stuff and would love to hear another take if that's where you decide to go with this.

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