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Posts posted by ZealPath

  1. Huge fan of jazz mixes, and this is just so... professional! Not a knock on any other mix but this is something different, not to say there haven't been jazz mixes before (they're some of my favorites actually), but with this being live, it's really been taken to the next level.

    Bringing in the traditional fanfare theme instead of the FFVII one was a nice touch, not that I disliked FFVII's fanfare, but the choice seemed to make sense given the style of this mix.

    I'd definitely be curious to see what else this crew can come up with, this being a combat theme and all (not that it sounded like one in this style), it might be fun to see what they could do with a different style of song.

  2. What an interesting idea, and what awesome execution! The cool thing about this mix is that it's so well done it's almost hard to believe it was all done with the various sounds made by the bottle, and this also helps to make it more than just a novelty mix to prove that it could be done.

    Had you wanted to be funny you could have inserted the "Hey Broski, 2 Heinekens!" sound clip from "My New Haircut," but, it works just fine as it is.

  3. This is one of those songs I had always had in the back of my mind, wondering if anyone would try to do a mix of it. Well someone did, and it is awesome! Personally, I've always remembered the source very well, despite the fact that it is only some primitive sounding drums, and have always considered it just as much a song as the rest of the OST, so I'm very glad (most) people were able to get over that aspect of it.

    The mix to me sounds a little like what I think it would have sounded like were the game made today and they were going for a similar feel. It's similar, just with many more layers and variation, very cool, and low key enough that I can listen to it several times a day and not get bored of it, awesome stuff!

    Personally I found the title hilarious, though I can see the arguments from both sides, it doesn't strike me as intended to offend at all though and would be best forgotten about if it truly does offend you.

  4. Kinda forgot I made this post for some reason, anyway that's really cool that a few of you are thinking of going for some MM5 mixes. Stone Man would be another good one that I didn't mention in my first post, and the possibility of a Gyro Man and Darkman/Protoman stage mix is exciting as well!

  5. If for some reason you have yet to play HL2, and/or Portal, you've officially ran out of excuses. Even though HL2 came out years ago, I only played through it last year and was still thoroughly impressed. It also still has one final expansion due out sometime... not sure if it's even soon actually, not sure why it's taking so long, but after the cliffhanger at the end of episode 2, it will still be a must have whenever it does come out.

    As for Portal, it's gotta be the coolest game I've played in the last few years, $10 might as well be free, do it, and do it now!

    Steam is an excellent software delivery system, you won't be disappointed by that either, once you've purchased something, you can download it anywhere, anytime.

  6. So I was taking a look at the mix totals for each of the Mega Man games. I don't think it comes as any surprise that 2 and 3 bring up the lead, but only 1 mix for 5, and not a robot master stage mix at that. So this is my request for Mega Man 5 to get some love, next time a remixer is bored and is thinking about taking a Mega Man direction. By the time Mega Man 5 came out, the chiptunes were about as sophisticated as they were going to get on the NES, and there are some great stage songs in this game.

    If I had to choose, I think I'd choose Wave Man, but Gravity Man, Gyro Man, Crystal Man, or either the Protoman stages, or Wily stages, would all be excellent options. I don't particularly want to specify a genre because I think this is something only the mixer can decide on at the end of the day.

    So if anyone decides to take a run at this, I'll be cheering from the sidelines as usual!

  7. Definitely recommended, even though there's more "Brinstar Red Soil Swampy Area" mixes on this album than I'd ever thought could exist, this is a great album. I have to give a shout out to "Edenal" for delivering the goods piano style, not that "Heat Vision" wasn't great as well (particularly thought it was an interesting intro track since it's a non traditional song to mix, but one of my favorites sources from the game, for sure).

  8. Very cool mix, I liked the fake-out that sorta sounds like the Inspector Gagdget theme at the start. Bringing in "Birth of a God" was different too, no idea how that idea came to you, but it worked very well. Overall there are a lot of interesting combinations that I'd have never thought of that work well in this mix.

    It also manages to keep things varied enough to not get boring, which is always a risk with these chiptune type mixes... no such problem here, very cool, and unique!

  9. First time I listened to this I was paying so much attention to the... interesting lyrics that I kind of missed out on the actual music. After a few listens, I've really come to like this mix, it's a little humorous, but I've always liked the source and hearing it in this style is very cool.

    Definitely one that stands out as unique in my book, mostly because of the lyrics.

  10. I'd say most of it is because it was better in it's time, it was the first game I'd played that dealt with time travel, and it was solid across the board in terms of graphics, sound, music, and story. The hype for CT back in the day was major, magazines like Nintendo Power were promoting the hell out of it, and everyone was pretty eager to see what it was all about. One thing I remember about it is that it attracted the interest of some friends of mine who couldn't get into the Final Fantasy series at all, so it was also a bit of a "pop rpg," drawing people the genre might normally not have.

    It was and is a hell of a game, but as far as why it will be remembered, I'd say it's more for what it was back then than what it amounts to now (which is still a pretty darn good game, but not exactly cutting edge). It's not quite at the point where we could compare it to say, trying to appreciate a DOS game in today's age of online amazing graphics extravaganzas, but as time goes on, I guess it will be harder and harder to appreciate.

    So if you grew up with it, chances are it will hold a special place in your gaming heart for the great graphics, sound, and music that it brought to the table at the time. The story was pretty good too, and that may be one thing that it beats some newer games at. It was complicated enough to be compelling, without the extreme complexity/you'll be damned if you can explain it type of story that it's sequel, Chrono Cross had.

  11. I ordered this way back, I tend to forget to listen to it these days with all stuff OCR is churning out, but it has some really unique tracks. I sort of think of SquareDance and PMM as predecessors to OCR, even though I'm pretty sure OCR was around or at least getting it's foot in the door back then as well, it's all kind of blending together.

    "Cecil's Jinn and Juice" will always be one of my favorite mix titles, not to mention a pretty cool mix.

  12. Do people really hate Xenosaga that much? I'll be the first to admit it was nonsensical at more than one time in all 3 of the games but I still liked it :razz: .

    All this love (and fiery passion!) for the Tales Series (only played Phantasia on an emulator briefly) has me wondering if I should be checking that out though.

  13. Xenosaga I, II, and III.

    The Xenosaga series has a fairly grand but cool story, very cool visuals, strategic and sometimes complicated combat (II in particular), and very long cutscenes. On the whole I'd say don't be fooled by the packaging, Xenosaga I looks somewhat anime-ish, but the rest shy away from that and go for more of a half realistic half artistic style.

    In the end it might not have been as epic as it they wanted it to be (originally they planned to have it unfold over 6 games instead of 3), but it's definitely worth experiencing and playing through. Each of the games have their similarities and differences, and there are a fair amount of minigames, the minigame in III, Hakox, is particularly interesting, unique, and addictive.

    Aside from that I think you have your bases covered, obviously you're going to have to run through FFX, FFX-2 (this is another one you have to make sure you don't get fooled by your first impression), FFXII, and Dragon Quest VIII is absolutely amazing if you grew up with the series (and most likely even if you didn't).

  14. Wow, I really like the changes you've come up with in the latest version, my concern at first was that it was very repetitive, and you've managed to add some different sections and manage to make it sound less repetitive and more like it's moving towards something (of which, the outro was pretty cool!).

    It has a very live feel, not something I can really recall hearing in a mix before, but I really think it works. You've already said you're going to do some fine tuning, which is all I could really suggest at this point, volume levels and stuff.

    You've done a lot of work very quickly but I think this has come pretty far over the last week or so.

  15. This really gets better and better as it goes on, I do like the trombone, but the organs are what did it for me, always been a fan of organs coming from out of nowhere and taking a song to the next level, and I definitely feel like that's what happened here.

    More than anything I thought the story in the writeup about how this has been kicking around for years now was great, just glad it finally saw the light of day.

    Edit: This has been experiencing some major playtime for me over the last few days, much more addictive than it originally seemed!

  16. Was wondering if this was going to get posted on it's own, this track got a ton of fanfare in the original "What did you think of DQD?" thread and with good reason; it's got to be one of the most unique remixes I've heard, and certainly from that album.

    The old-school "message to the viewer" audio clips really give it a unique feel, it's lost somewhere in the 80s, maybe on a betamax video player, but that adds atmosphere unlike any mix I had heard before. At the same time the tune from the original is clearly there, in a somewhat more peaceful, less hell on earth way than it was in the original, but, that's the beauty of remixing.

    I remember writing a lot more about this mix back in the DQD thread shortly after the release, but several months later, it's safe to say that while I loved the entire album, this track continues to be the one that stands out to me as something truly different.

    Also glad to finally know what that movie quote towards the beginning was... I didn't recognize it, but it sounded old, much like the rest of the clips and blended in perfectly.

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