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Posts posted by ZealPath

  1. After a few listens I do find that this mix "starts slowly." That isn't necessarily a bad thing but it takes quite a while to get into the tune heard in the original (it really "starts" around 3:50 which is a lot of buildup).

    I love what's happening with this mix though, it already feels incredibly polished.

  2. This is definitely one of my favorite songs from FFXI's soundtrack. So many turn off the music in that game being an mmo (I do myself...), but it really has a lot of gems on it, the Promyvion theme being one of them.

    I like what you've done so far, I have no background in music theory or anything like that so it's not like I can really "review" your mix but I do like how you incorporated a bit into it to change things up (without changing the dreamy feel the song has).

    Keep up the good work =0.

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