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Posts posted by ZealPath

  1. Apparently I looked over the list in the first post entirely too quickly and missed the fact that the underwater stage from Dream Master was on it. This just got even more exciting, can't come out fast enough for me, bring it on!

    Edit: Good lord I think I've played that preview video 10 times over the past few hours...

  2. Wow, pretty awesome to get a note from the original composer, it has been 20 years (now THAT is scary....) since QG1 after all, very cool!

    But more than that, I am so incredibly happy to see Quest for Glory on the front page, this was one of my brother and I's favorite series growing up and this mix definitely nails the feeling of Erana's Peace perfectly. Thanks for making the mix despite having not played the game, there's a great nostalgic feeling here for those of us who did, and who knows, maybe it will inspire some more mixes from old pc games!

  3. Well I have to say, this sounds pretty awesome to someone like me, a lot of my fondest gaming memories are with old PC games, and this definitely seems like something the site could use! I have had some ideas for source material in the past that I'll have to think back on, definitely a couple from The Quest for Glory series that I think could make for some great mixes.

    For now I will gladly adopt a signature banner and look forward to seeing what comes of this moving forward!

  4. Back home somewhere I have probably something in the range of 20 tapes of music I would record off of the radio, feels like a lifetime ago now. It would be incredibly interesting to sit down one day and go through them all , those tapes were essentially a lot of my music library back then, as its not like I had money to throw around on too many real albums in elementary/high school.

    Definitely have a soft spot for some of the older cassette albums that I had, some of them got so aged that they started to sound just a little bit different when compared to a cd quality version, and that is a hard uniqueness to duplicate. Probably been 10 years since I've even touched a cassette now, but reading this makes me realize that just how much fun it might be to go back and see what I can find in my old collection.

  5. I feel like a lot of the tracks were 'happy-ified' or dampened. Gravity, for example, went from setting a beat for a boss-fight to a kind of meandering 'tense moment' theme that really doesn't suit boss battles like it was meant to. Oppression bounces around as an almost casual track, nowhere near serious enough for the intense battle that's set up at that point

    I would totally agree with you on those 2 boss themes you mentioned being somewhat diminished on the Nicalis version, there are also a few tracks like "Living Waterway" and "Scorching Back" that I feel Nicalis really did a great job on, so it kinda goes both ways, for me anyway.

    I think I'd be hard pressed to choose anything other than the original tracks as my biggest preference, but I do get a lot of enjoyment out of most of the remade tracks as well. I think with Cave Story+ we kind of have that "Super Mario All Stars" vibe where both the graphics and music have been redone and it's fun to see what they came up with, but at the end of the day the greatest charm is probably still just with the original game, if that makes sense.

  6. I think most of us know the drill with this by now, awesome indie games, name your price, split between devs and charities if you're so inclined.

    The good news is, this time it's back to being a full-on bundle (there were some smaller ones with 2-3 games in between #3 and #4), and what a bundle it is! With Super Meat Boy, Shank, Jamestown, Bit.Trip Runner, NightSky, Cave Story+ and Gratuitous Space Battles (beat the average for the last 2), this one is quite the no-brainer, even if you already have some of the games as I did.

    So, head on over to http://www.humblebundle.com/ and get it done!

  7. Agreed, and so, as if on queue, The Binding of Isaac and Blocks That Matter have been added to this to in fact, make it a bundle! I'm actually very happy about this as I was very much wanting to try Isaac but refused to insta-buy it on release due to having too many untouched games at the moment.

    Well, make it 2 more! These humble bundles are the gift that keeps on giving.

  8. By now I'm sure most of us are familiar with the Humble Bundles (pay what you want for indie games) but this one is a little different. What you're getting is the alpha, and all future updates of a game called Voxatron, which in the site's own words is a "voxel-based, old-school-gone-new platform shooter."

    Having just spent some time playing it, that description feels about right, and I have to say, not only was it loads of fun, but the old school sound effects and music (especially the little queues as you enter a new area) made me feel like I was 12 years old again. Head on over to http://www.humblebundle.com/ and check it out, this game looks like it will have an awful lot of content considering the editor and "bbs levels", and it's been a decent challenge so far as well.

  9. Thanks for posting this, I also have a brother and we definitely share a love of gaming, I can't imagine how difficult it had to be to go through this. That said I'm also glad to hear it sounds like Adam really enjoyed his life and accomplished seemingly everything he wanted to despite the relative shortness of his life.

  10. This mix has been entertaining the hell out of me for days now, excellent, unique stuff. I really can't hand it to Sir Jordanius more for just laying it all on the line and doing his thing on this one... the enthusiasm, energy, and humor just shines on so many levels, definitely my favorite track from the album, and a very unique mix any way you slice it.

  11. While I'm pretty sure I would still enjoy playing through Super Meat Boy and recollecting the bandages and getting all A+s again, I'm not sure I would ever want to do the no death runs again, once was definitely enough for those! As for VVVVVV, I gotta be honest, I kinda got the VVVVVV bug again ever since the custom levels introduced with the 2.0 patch and I'm almost in the mood to try to collect the Veni Vidi Vici trinket again since the 2.0 patch wiped our data so I guess I really am just that masochistic :neutral: .

  12. I sort of feel that way about getting all of the celestial weapons in FFX. Not that I don't enjoy a challenge but I still have that data on my memory card, who knows if I will ever try it again, maybe!

    Sort of similar to your story, I probably found the chocobo racing portion for half of Tidus' weapon the hardest part of the process.

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