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Posts posted by ZealPath

  1. Felt it for about 10 seconds up on the 4th floor of my office building, everyone in the office I work at pretty much just started laughing and said "that was awesome!"

    We were told to go outside but within 10 mins we were told it was fine to go back up, so no free day, just an interesting time-waster.

  2. These bundles are the gift that keeps on giving, I already had #1 and #2 but to have not one but two additional games added to #3 is pretty cool! As usual I already had about half the games but it's always nice to give a little bit more to the developers.

  3. Always been a fan of this source, it's about the same thing as the ending theme from LttP, and this is definitely a different take on it. Definitely enjoying the low key take, it's not entirely... uplifting, or completely negative, it's kind of got that ebb and flow of life to it.

    It's also quite short, not unlike the original, which I guess makes sense given the relative simplicity of the source. In any case, I'm digging it!

    Edit: I also just realized what soundtrack this really reminds me of, NightSky! This could totally randomly come on in the middle of that game and fit right in!

  4. Nice to see that you're still kicking around, PMM feels like it was ages ago, probably because it was! Enjoy Distant Worlds, I've been to a couple of them myself and it is probably the best experience a fan of final fantasy music can ever hope to have.

  5. More than anything I'm just mildly annoyed that even though I'm a huge Uematsu fan, I had no idea I was following an imposter page on FB. So, with that rectified, would it be cool to meet him? Hell yeah!

    I've been to a couple Distant Worlds concerts, one in which he was not present, and I did see him from a distance at the other, but that would not lessen the coolness of getting the chance to meet him up close!

  6. The preorder price if you bought the 2-pack and split it was just 40 bucks anyway. Really though, this is Valve we're talking about, I would never feel bad about giving them a little money for the awesomeness that all of their games are. We'll probably be seeing more free dlc added soon if TF2 is any indication, I don't think they'd have bothered making such an elaborate TF2 style inventory system if all it's for is just the vanilla coop game.

  7. Had a busy week so wasn't able to sit down and get through the single player until this weekend. That said it was absolutely spectacular, the characters are just so well done and thoroughly entertaining, and the story managed to be different enough from Portal 1 while still keeping that familiarity and often using it in new, unexpected ways.

    The new puzzle elements added some creative new layers of thinking to the solutions, and the more frequent shifts between "just figuring out where to go next" versus "solving a test chamber" helped keep things more fresh.

    Looking forward to co-op, no real doubt that it will add even more layers of thinking to the puzzles. Was surprising but cool to see how involved the multiplayer character set up is (TF2 style), I won't complain about getting access to my Tyrant's Helm though! I will assume this means we'll probably see a lot more levels for co-op eventually as having this whole character setup system for just the (handful of?) launch co-op levels seems like massive overkill.

  8. It's nice to see that this is in place now, I find myself wondering how many nominations will just be for more traditional orchestral soundtracks that would be easily comparable to a movie soundtrack (something like say Mass Effect 2) versus a soundtrack that is more "conventional" VGM, like say Super Meat Boy.

    It's a lot better than not having it acknowledged at all though, so it will be interesting to see where this goes and hopefully it can lead to a VGM-specific award as well.

  9. There are definitely a lot of games that I like to "100%", often to the point of doing silly side things that are of little benefit just to say I did. Getting items in an RPG that I don't need just to have them for a collection? Sure, I'll do that.

    When it comes to achievements, I like to try and get all of them if I feel they're reasonable and not completely excessive. I think Trine sticks out to me as a game that had some difficult, but completely reasonable achievements that I very much enjoyed getting 100% in. Braid's achievements were all easy except for the Speed Run, which makes you play the game in a completely different manner and was also a lot of fun to eventually unlock. My current game of choice, Super Meat Boy, has quite a few difficult achievements, indeed, simply finishing every level and unlocking every character can be considered one of the more difficult ones. But it also goes beyond that with some particularly ruthless achievements (no death runs for entire chapters) that I originally almost scoffed at, thinking they were impossible, but now these are probably some of my favorite achievements to work on. I've actually managed to get all but 3 of them and the feeling of accomplishment upon finally getting each one was an awesome feeling. I may also just be a masochist.

    Then we have games like Torchlight, which in my opinion just had some stupid achievements, involving things like retiring characters or having x number of mods installed. What if I like my character? What if I don't want to install mods? So achievements can either be really fun, or really stupid, and I don't necessarily think having all of them is an indicator of whether or not you have truly "100%ed" a given game, it just completely depends on what said achievements want you to accomplish and how relevant it is to whatever skill the game utilizes.

  10. This is really something else. We've all heard songs utilizing more than source before but usually it's one then the other in a fairly direct fashion, this mix literally blends the 2 songs together in a way that it's almost like you're listening to both at the same time, yet it feels completely natural.

    I can't think of any previous mixes that have managed to blend 2 sources quite the way this one has, I am really impressed! Did I mention the song is also extremely catchy? Not exactly shocking, it's a Willrock mix, but hey! I knew I was going to like this but wow, this is just spectacular, probably my favorite mix of the year so far, and it just fell into my lap out of nowhere, keep cranking em out man!

  11. Super Meat Boy is basically the best game ever if you like platformers and challenge, I am quite the fanatic of that game. I can't say a whole lot about the rest of the pack, aside from Audiosurf being a good distraction every now and then and Amnesia supposedly being the perfect recipe for scaring the shit out of oneself, though despite buying it cheap at Christmas I have yet to try it.

  12. It's been a couple years since an official Final Fantasy concert has been around the East/NE coast.

    Yes and no, Distant Worlds was in Toronto last November, if Canada doesn't count then so be it I guess, but it was a great concert nonetheless! I'm not sure if anyone else from OCR was at that one, though I know we had at least a couple in Vancouver about 2 years ago.

    I've been to 2 of these myself, Vancouver and Toronto, and they were both awesome while having some overlap and also some completely different songs in each show. If you're an FF music fan you should try to find your way into one of these eventually, it's really a great experience. Seeing Nobuo Uematsu, even if just from your seats is really something else!

    Having been so recently, this particular one isn't on my list but I hope everyone heading to NY enjoys themselves, and if anyone who goes wants to do a mini-writeup or at least recount the tracklist for us afterward, that would be cool!

  13. Gotta love JK Simmons' voice acting! Super psyched for Portal 2, Portal was just an... enlightening experience and Portal 2, especially with co-op to further stimulate the mind can only be more awesome.

  14. I'm not sure how effective it would be to waltz into one and yell, "ANY HATZ 4 2 REFINED?" But who knows, maybe it'd work.

    That'd probably work just fine, even typed that way :lol: . I've spent a bunch of time on trading servers and I see people trading a refined for non V hats fairly often. If you're patient you can often turn nothing into something as well, if someone is looking for a weapon you have a dupe of, offer to trade for a scrap or 2 random, it's a small gain but it's a gain. Sometimes people have given me 2 vintage weps (possibly by accident, but I'm not asking or telling) for like, a non-V Eyelander, so sometimes you can really turn a profit.

    Random Hat wise, I've only gotten 2 in 532 hours played (once of which was yesterday randomly enough, the other was at like, 100 something hours), but thankfully, ever since trading came in, I've long since stopped caring about random hats, hell I have a bunch of hats now that I don't even know what to do with along with having a unique hat for each class. Roommate has gotten 2 random hats in 82 hours so... yeah, it's random, surprise surprise.

  15. This is some pretty awful stuff. It didn't sink in until I saw the before/after pictures. Even the green of the earth there is charred and marred....

    Yeah that blew my mind as well, and not in a good way. Almost like something out of the ruined future timeline in Chrono Trigger, very scary. My thoughts definitely go out to the people ion the affected areas, and certainly anyone here who lives or has family or friends there.

  16. Indeed. And as a gamer that's MMO'd since EQ, I still base my comparisons based on the original feel of EQ pre-Planes of Power days.

    Man, them were good days.

    /end nostalgia

    Anyways, here's to hoping it's not a carbon copy clone of WoW... yet, the way the market is right now, almost all MMO's are. Guess I'm wishing for something that might not exist yet, eh?

    Ah yes, early EQ... I pretty much do that same compairson. Well, Rift might not be like that but I'm actually really starting to enjoy myself. Started in late beta so a lot of the content is still really new to me but I see that as a good thing, hell I stopped playing beta once I realized I was probably going to enjoy this game. The soul system is really a lot of fun, so many possiblities for how your class' build(s) will set up.

    I wouldn't say I'm blown away but as MMOs go, Rift's launch has been very smooth so far and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. The WoW comparisons in public chat and stuff are endless but honestly, people are just saying that since their first MMO was WoW and they don't realize that things like the interface and general play style have been around since well before that. That said I'm sure it does have its legit similarities, but I really feel like it's more that it's just similar to the vast majority of MMOs out there, which certainly so far it is, with some new flavor of course.

    I'm on Freeholme as it was the newest server that had come up by the time I got home from work on the first day of head start. This is the first time in a long time I haven't gone into an mmo with friends or old guildmates so flying solo is a little different.

  17. I don't know a single person who still plays, though, for the record, there have been a lot of supposedly good updates. In fact, when I briefly glanced at the most recent update notes they were so long that I couldn't be bothered to read them since I'm not playing and am not sure when I will again. You still don't have to pay a monthly fee, so there is that.

    I'm going to be starting Rift next week otherwise I would probably take another look at FFXIV soon. From what I understand a great deal of the changes are still on the way, and what you have now is sort of a transitional phase between canning some of the more annoying, unwelcomed features, and phasing in the some completely new systems, with more drastic changes to come..

  18. It's really nice to see Pixel (DA) succeeding after pouring 5, apparently lonely years of his life into the awesomeness that is Cave Story. I like the look of the 3D stuff as well, will definitely have to check that out, hopefully it gets cross platformed to something other than a handheld.

  19. Taken me a while to get around to listening to this but this is great! The only "problem" is it's short, but that also makes each song stand out more.

    Love the "9-bit" style, excellent way to describe it. I've been looking for something with elements like this for background in a possible Super Meat Boy video I may or may not be creating, so this could be some good material for that too!

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