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Everything posted by Kusabi

  1. I'll second the LiveCD/LiveDVD method, or VMWare if you want. As long as you don't do anything screwy with the filesystems on your drive, you'll be fine. If you use a LiveCD, it will be slow (loading everything off the CDROM), but it usually isn't too bad (My Knoppix disk isn't that slow, but then I have the RAM to load pretty much everything into RAM) But if you have a spare hard drive, you could also install on a partition on that drive, and dual boot the machine. I have that setup with my Windows PC as well as my PS3. (It runs Linux 99% of the time, unless I want to pop a PS2 disk in to play, or a movie) But the better way to start is with a LiveCD, and then virtualization, and then take the leap and install a Linux on a second hard disk.
  2. Heh....a chimp with a tazer. That has made my day. I think he also has a "zOMG!!1!!1oneone!! TEH CHILDRENS!!1!11!!!" banner somewhere. Whenever he brings that out, then all the other sheeple go "oooOOOOOooooo!!!!!1! Teh Childrens!!11!!1!" and will do pretty much anything. Whatever happened to parenting your children? Oh right, "It Takes A Village" nowadays. But then again, this is par for the course when you have people like Thompson (or those with equivalent mental capacity) in positions of power/influence/access to TV cameras. If you need more proof, see Mr. Series of Tubes himself.
  3. I finally got around to getting all the torrents downloaded, so I am seeding as well. If only I had my university fiber internet instead of Comcast... Well, 40KB/s is still greater than 0KB/s Glad to help out
  4. Some kind of firmware update would be nice, considering that it could have the capability to cause some real damage to the components. I think there was a story somewhere of the WiiConnect24 mode cooking the GPU enough to cause visual artifacts. At the very least, the firmware should turn off some of the chips that aren't used, and it really ought to run the fan.
  5. Huh....so it could be an actual hardware issue. I was under the impression that it was just the console firmware not wanting to run the fans in WiiConnect24 mode. I wonder if this got fixed on the later consoles. I got my Wii in early February and it likes to make itself nice and toasty in standby mode. EDIT: Gah! I can't spell!
  6. Heh. I didn't even get a chance to build my last computer. I do like your Hydra, though. But I'll set the record straight. What I've managed to get folding@home running on: 1 x Sony Playstation 3 (3.2 GHz Cell) 1 x Apple PowerMac G5 Quad (2x PowerPC 970MP (Dual Core) @ 2.5 GHz/core) and then a few generic PCs 1 x AMD Athlon64 4200 X2 1 x 3.0GHz P4 Northwood 2 x Core 2 Duo 6600 and of course, I'm sure I'm forgetting something...ah the joys of having access to the domain administrator's account.
  7. Greetings and salutations: I am Kusabi. Somehow, I met Drack at college, and discovered that there are more people who like the art of video game music. I play a large variety of games, although my summer is being sucked up by work. I mostly play on my small collection of Nintendo systems, although I have a PS3, and a few other systems. I'm a CS major, so I also enjoy some computer games.
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