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Everything posted by Fo0dNippl3

  1. I've heard suggestions of a kind of Mario and Luigi relationship between Ness and Lucas. Move- and playstyle-wise, I mean.
  2. This is totally like Kirby Super Star. Especially the thing about the second player returning to the first if they get left off screen.
  3. A simple stage maker or, at the very least, customizer would be a very cool idea.
  4. Eh. I actually saw this before I'd even heard of Angry Nintendo Nerd.
  5. I've never really found Angry Nintendo Nerd very funny, but Shmorky's parody had me in stitches.
  6. Why all the negativity towards making things easier to do?
  7. As pointless as it is to argue over opinions, Azul, I don't see the logic in cutting characters simply because there are a lot of characters from a certain series. That said, a special, rare appearance Pokemon from the Trainer's ball would be a neat idea. Maybe it could even be his Final Smash? EDIT: Also, I wouldn't mind getting rid of Pichu.
  8. I bought Shaq-Fu, cartridge only, at a thrift store for like $2.50.
  9. Smash Bros characters are from video games, so he would technically have been called "Red" because that's what the model they've shown is. Perhaps they went with "Pokemon Trainer" so that there can be alternate trainer models, maybe one from each Pokemon game generation?
  10. The Yoshi from SMW, his original appearance, and SMW2 is more storybook, hand-drawn looking than clay-like. That's what I was saying.
  11. When was Yoshi clay-like on the SNES?
  12. I've lurked on the OCR forums for a while now and decided that I had to register to declare that I am flabbergasted that anyone could dislike the DK Rap.
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