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Posts posted by EvilHorde

  1. Picked up Orange Box today, the release date in Europe. Naturally I bought it for TF2 - been waiting for a decent TF for almost ten years now dammit - but I decided to test out Portal right away too. And damn, I like it so far. Great sense of humor in there and awesome, very clever puzzles.. WORLD-NEEDS-MORE-PUZZLE-GAMES. So every now and then when for some reason I find myself NOT playing TF I might give this baby a decent GO.

  2. Awww yeah. I haven't downloaded anything from OCR in ages (lazy and naughty me) but when I saw that theres stuff from Turtles In Time, I couldn't resist.

    All in all:

    this song kicks ass.

    It has a really cool "90´s sound" to it with its synths'n'stuff and the rock-energy is just ammmazing. And the guitar solo is just perfect. I think a synth-guitar fits so much better in there, a live one wouldn't fit quite as well.

    I've had this on repeat for a while now... and I think I'll just keep it coming.


  3. Hell yeah! Ironman is THE coolest! I've been an Ironman fan since the action-packed days of my childhood so I think he deserves all the love he can get. (Casting Robert Downey Jr. as Ironman is NOT love.)

    But yeah, Tony Stark would be proud. And I want an Ironman actionfigure.

  4. I still dig the graphics in Super Mario 2 and 3 and Megaman games etc. I think they have a personal look and feel to them. Of course I also like the awesome graphics of todays games but they're all starting to look alike and I don't think they have that much personality. For instance, it was really strange to play Prey. It felt so much like Doom3 that the game, even though very original and fun, didn't have a unique touch to it graphicwise.

    But yeah, graphics to me are important in a way that the look is definitely part of the game, and takes you in the game. The amount of polygons or the realism of the lighting has nothing to do with it.

  5. Humour is just a way to deal with things in life. And a pretty fine one if you ask me. I think the fact that you even think that making jokes is disrespecting the memory of the people who died is proof that you're actually not disrespecting them, inside your head anyway. If you know what I mean. So I wouldn't worry too much about making jokes. Let us joke while we still can.

  6. I'm from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania: the home of Groundhog Day. It's a pretty dumb holiday, but I show my support any way I can.

    Maybe its a rather strange holiday, but its a great movie! Yay for the 90´s!

    But dude; why finnish? Do you have relatives here or something?

    Oh right, sorry, back to the topic:

    "Hey?! Have you guys heard about this new Frets on Fire game! It kicks ass! I play it MUCH. With keyboards."

  7. Oh god, just played Guitar Hero 1+2 yesterday for the first time ever.. MAN! It kicks so much ass that my pants have a hole on the backside.

    I had to check this one out too and it kicks engough ass to be a great substitute for the real thing. And if its compatible with the GH controller... YUMMY!

    Gotta get more songs for this thing.

    I also thought my Dark Side of the Phobos track "Hangarmageddon" would maybe suit this one well. So if anyone is interested in making it, I can provide the guitar track and the song.

  8. Yay we're still on. I thought the project was done for. I consider my mixes 99% finished. By now the tracks are OLD, so I'll have to check if they're up to par. But I'll get back to them and polish them a bit but you'll get the wavs in the near future.

    (I also noticed you PM'd me. Sorry I didn't reply, I totally missed it.)

  9. Congrats Roe-bro!

    Great mix, too bad I haven't heard the original so its hard for me to review this but DANNNNG this is tight!

    Of course as a bass player I always have problems with artificial slap bass, because that just ain't how a slap bass really works, but I have to swallow and admit that its an artificial one, and it works like that.

    But YAY! STUFF BE GOOD. Way to go. You opened the tap and now the remixes are just gonna keep on running. Go Roe!

  10. At first I wasn't very fond of this remix. Yay, another electronic fast-paced drum,n,bassorwhatever Megaman 2 remix.

    Then, at some point it developed a nice jam and I started to enjoy it. The chillout starting at 3:43 is just awesome. I think I'd like this remix more if the whole song was like that, but on the other hand the fast, hectic beginning gives the end more value. The song is very well thought out and everything just clicks into place.

    Not one of my all time favorites but a very enjoyable remix in any case.


  11. Ahhh yeahhhh... Check it out y'all... M'mmmmm....





    I love this. The sounds, the mood, THE GROOVE. Everything. Hell yeah.

    *AHHHH.... Feeeel the rhythm... You need to FEEL the rhythm..*

    Glad to hear someone giving a good loving to the theme we all love...

    Needs a guy with a deep voice saying random funka-grooveloving stuff on top of it.

    *MMMMM... Ladiess.......*

    But seriously I love this. One of the better remixes definitely. THANK YOU.

  12. Word. I´m just writing a message here cause since the threads relocation to WIP I haven´t received E-Mail Reply Notifications.

    So there.

    As for the project - I´m making good progress with the remixes. They´re starting to sound like I want them to. Yippee.

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