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Posts posted by EvilHorde

  1. I just can´t praise this remix enough. It´s so RETRO that it makes me weep. The sounds are just amazing and the drums rule! The drum sounds make me extremely yealous. They fit together perfectly. Every time I listen to this remix I just have to listen to it repeatedly. Excellent! Some of the sounds are propably ripped from the original NES song (I might be wrong though?), or at least they sound very close. But that doesn´t affect the excellence of the song. It´s just something I noticed.

    Great remix! Almost makes me want to go to the army! :D Maybe I´ll get an extending biomechanic arm. I love the game, and I love the remix more.

  2. The control that AE has over his songs is just amazing. The effects and tricks are just pure earcandy and won´t stop amazing me. It seems that every little trick is well thought and planned, but still there is a free, groovy feeling on the songs. And best of all, the songs are all different from each other, and better yet, different from everything else made these days.

    And what comes to this remix: no surprise that its gggreat as hell. The bass sound is perfect. And well, all of the sounds used in the song are. This song is excellent, but there is one thing that bugs me a bit. The lead line should in my opinion be more... well.. bombastic. (If that even IS a word!) Now its just a beep that BEEPS. The sound is good but I´d leave the delay effect thingie away and keep the rhytm of the original phrase. But thats just a little flaw, and it sure as hell doesn´t ruin the song. Great stuff again from AE.

  3. Wow.. it took me ages to learn how to write/pronounce the title. But dammit this remix rocks. The vocal samples spreaded all over are too good to be true, and when you add a spectacular bassline and a great moody piano, you get a SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET track. I´ve had this one for a long time and I never get bored with it. The screams that appear here and there sound so great that I get goosebumps... :D Well, the whole song has that effect on me. Great work.

  4. How is it that this mix only got one review? It r00lz j00!!!

    Yes this is one of the best remixes ever made. Maybe the best. I too am wondering how is it possible that there are only few reviews. AE has incredible talents as a songwriter. This particular remix is so perfect in every way that "professional" musicproducers would go green. I can´t go into details because there is only one word that can discribe this song : PERFECT.

    AE uses the best sides of the original song and uses it inventively adding some of his own elements to the remix. You just cant miss this.

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