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Paranoid Cheese Sandwich

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    Alameda, CA

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  1. This is the sound of Four-Horsemen-of-the-Apocolypse-Destroying-The-World-level asskick. Definitely my favorite ffmusic dj mix (although that might change if/when I ever get Squaredance), and one of my favorite on the site overall.
  2. This thread is the all-time hardest boss. Ever. It never dies. Just when you think it's gone, back to page 1 of the forums it goes.
  3. Okay, first off, I don't mind if a song has words or not. I don't care at all about lyrics, just how it sounds. That being said, this is perhaps my favorite piece from OC Remix. True, I may be a bit (a.k.a a WHOLE FREAKING LOT) biased, given that the Terra Theme is probably my all-time favorite piece of VG music, but I really like this piece. The rapping really fits well, and the Frech accent and pacing makes it feel, I dunno, more right for the song. DJ Crono could've released it without the rap, and it would've been okay (but a bit plain), but the rap was what pushed it over the edge. I truly look forward to seeing more of DJ Crono's work.
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