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Everything posted by KariFantasy

  1. Hi Neblix, sorry but there are absolutely no vibratos involved, I made a video to show you the dry sound of Realstrat, then with the Tubebaby amp, and finally plus Guitar Rig 3, and scrolling through the manually edited pitch bending, I am not sure about what you mean by "plucking" is it the sound produced when you hit the cord with a finger or a mediator? In that case, are you recommending to change it for each note? I wanted to do some of this for some notes that are at the end of a group of notes, but I don't know how to do it yet. (lack of time to create music...) Here is a very personal creation I made, where I found at last the way of making "long slides" in Realstrat, here the guitar sound is much more natural and I wanted to keep it free from any sophisticated effect (note that the composition is still at a premitive level, but I like a lot the last chapter at , I used four Wrappers each one containing Realstrat:) I called it "Rebel Troubadour" -I like a lot the solo at minute 1'12''!-: What do you think of it's sound now -especially at 1'12?
  2. Hey guys! I don't know how much I am outdated but I wanted to know what you would think of this short solo I made in Fruity Loops using Realstrat Musiclab, Tubebaby ample and Guitar Rig 3, and I still like it (it was my first attempt at realistic electric guitar): What do you think of this sound? It was my quick personal re-version of one of Santana's songs, I don't remember the title... infact it should be classical music. By the way I listened to Shreddage and I find it to be really great, I don't think I could do the same thing with realstrat, and the price is really cool compared to all the other software, (unfortunately I have problems with payment solutions online because of where I live...) + some budget limitations ^^" See you later and have a nice day! KF
  3. I found a funny PCEngine style version ^^, Look at that cartoon, so funny lol
  4. For people who didn't see the Intro Of Castlevania Order Of Ecclesia or don't know the game yet, here's the perfect video : Original Nintendo DS Intro (song: Dusk's Holy Mark, or "An Empty Tome") then the game trailer (the secound music theme is "Rhapsody Of Indigo Sorrow" which is a great song too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcVXk4jiNQU&feature=related Enjoy!
  5. Oh, and XZero, I have two other versions for you: 1- an arranged version (from the OST CD rom): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NoouajYw8M&NR=1 2- here's a semi-Rock version of this song from the fighting game "Castlevania Judjment" on Nintendo Wii: And a clearer sound quality of the same: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Esvp95Nj4s Cool, versions. Tell me what you think about them?
  6. Indeedd!! I'm savouring this game at the moment, I hoped there were already remixes of Dusk's Holy Mark, because I intend to create my own version soon (I'm obsessed by this song lol, I CANNOT stop thinking of it, it plays automatically in my head everyday...), I wanted to listen at what others have already done, I'm sure they are working on it, ,or at least thinking of doing it. Well, currently I have a day and night jobs, working day and night, I just hope I'll have enough energy to use my Fruity Loops... XZero, thanks for the perfect thread title ; ) See you soon.
  7. Thank you very much Katsurugu and Dhsu Then all I have to do now, is create my own Street Fighter 4 clone conceptual project, then create original music for it, it would be more interesting for me I think. When I start this project I'll notice you (not quite the time for it right now, nor the team ^^") Thanks again for your reply and have a cool day! K'
  8. Hi everyone there yoh! This is Karifantasy, an aspiring composer from far away ^^ " Please tell, me (and please sorry if this question is damn stupid) but I really want to know if there is any chance to participate in the Street Fighter ReMixes of this XBOX relaease? Are there any open possibilities? Can I just put one or two peaces of my Ryu's theme composition in some way? Can I put a micron of my creativity in it? Even if it's only 10 secs of music? Please tell me, It would be a dream come true, just tell me what to do, I'll do anything! LOL (hum, nearly anything ROFL" ) Wish you great days and successful creative pleasure moments : ) Karim.
  9. Thank you Legion303 and Zolbron for your cool replies I'm pleased with the advice and feel of Legion303, but Zorblon, please don't make me cry LOL! (I'm in a public cyber-cafe , but I think Zorblon you're sending me to outer space, lol, I'm sincerely touched by your so cool analysis, I'll copy the posts of both of you and meditate on them later at home, I just hope I'll have the time to be back to FruityLoops (it eats hours and hours, and I'm so slow! Plus some diffrent project far from music that are taking even more time...) but for sure your advices are going to be taken in consideration (even if I didn't understand all what you've said What's happening to me is just wonderful (first receiving such EXTRAORDINARY feedback!!!) and also, I downloaded ALL the tutorials avalable here about remixing. Now the major thing I don't know about are the instruments, I have a limited number of realistic sounds, especially for the orchestrial ones, but I think the right place to go to is the FruityLoops forum, but if you have any idea please advice me Thank you very much Legion303 and Zorblon, see you soon Friendly, KF
  10. Hey! Is there anybody there? LOL. PLease tell me what you think about the three first MP3s I made, I need to know what a ReMixer thinks about my stuff, lol (Say what passes by your mind, don't be afraid to be very sincere, it helps Thanks in advance! KF
  11. Hi everyone! I'm new here and this is my first post/thread. Wow! I'm amazed at this forum, I didn't know there were so much composers and rearrangers, gathered in the same place, that's fun! I've made a website where I present three of my first personal versions of Final Fantasy music, and I think I came to the right place because I'll be pleased to receive some feedback from people like .. eh.. like me I think You can listen to my 3 first personal versions at: http://karifantasy.googlepages.com And please tell me what you think I'm happy to land here and I hope it's the beginning of an endless Cool Journey! Friendly, KF
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