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Posts posted by Tables

  1. Seeing one of the gameplay videos, I remembered one key consistent thing about Darth Vader: He looks and sounds awesome, but his fighting "style" is lame and basic. That makes me feel better, anyway, about having a 360.

  2. Haha this movie was more like a Joker movie, really. You were rooting for the Joker, in a way. You wanted the Joker to win. Batman, you know, he was just that guy.

    Hell, it didn't even have 'Batman' in the title anyway.

  3. I mostly just don't understand why they added them in. The original cutscenes worked. Why not just let them look pretty in 3-D without extra crap going on?



    Did they really have to change it so that Gray Fox threw his friggin sword at Rex's radome? Just shooting it while pinned on the wall with his laser gun was good as it was. But no, Gray Fox wasn't ninja enough in MGS was he? Argh blah.


    That and they took the 'cavern' theme from the beginning, I liked that one. Dirty bastards.

    I'm not saying it's all bad though, I do appreciate actually being able to take out the cameras, and I do like the overall graphical improvements. Most of us are just saying that, if Mr. Overflow were given the choice, he should experience the original first, like god intended. Then he can go off and frolic in the remake.

    Really, isn't that what you do with remakes, you see the original one first and see what changed with the new one? Isn't as fun the other way around, I say.

  4. Star Wars Rebel Assault II for the PS1 didn't have much of any bosses, but it had a pretty stupid level.

    I think it was level 3, you somehow had the Falcon and you were going through this rocky tunnel. Completely different from most of the rest of the game, you were in a 3rd person view, which already screws you up a little. You're used to being in first person in a ship. But then it gets worse.

    As you go through the level, the camera moves and shifts around, really fast, to follow you through. Problem is, the ship doesn't go with it. Added with the tight tunnels, and the fact that the Falcon is as wide as hell, this meant you'd basically be slammed into rocky walls all the time. Death was certain. Sure, you could go vertical, but then you'd be tall as hell and hitting the ceiling. Only took a few hits too, until you exploded and were forced to start at the beginning. Hell, it wasn't even that long of a level, but it was still really lame.

    Ruined my childhood, that level.

    I got really lucky getting through that one. Although, maybe this is one of those things that got easier when you got older? Does anyone else remember this being so hard, or do I suck at videogames? probably the latter

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