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Everything posted by Cpt_Zach

  1. yes, I remember the weapons of ff7 wiping their faces with my party on many occaisions....... at level 99. But like you said, with a painfully long spell called knights of the round....
  2. See? Dracula is hard in the old games, except Castlevania 2, I killed drac in like, 4 hits and I was all ready for the true evil form to appear, but it didn't.... Konami really dropped the ball on that one, or dropped the eye of vlad, but anyway in Final Fantsy, Chaos was very ruff, what with the nuking and the full recovery, but for some odd reason when everyone in your party was at least level 30..... he became nice and tame... hmm... Come on!! Zoda??? Yeah, I know you are a kid named Mike with a yoyo as a weapon facing a alien leader, but If you get a ray gun he is toast, but In Startropics two, I remember there being several incarnations of Zoda, but I remmeber I used the gun and no the yoyo to do it.
  3. You are right, I should get real drunk and play Bubble Bobble. It would be a blast!
  4. There is nothing more annoying in Castlevania than destroying the really hard boss, Dracula to find that he has a true evil form that rapes you and makes the other form of Dracula look like a castrated monkey. Or in Castlevania III: not 2, but three forms. Not fun unless you have Alucard. And not to mention Death... cause he is in EVERY SINGLE AKUMAJO.. er Castlevania game!! Makes me angry. Cause you really can't kill him for good, because he is death. Kinda cheap, at least that's what I think. At least the recent games, Drac has gotten fat and lazy or something. He was a breeze in Symphony of the Night. While he was a bit harder in Circle of the Moon, If you put up the poison shield, it keeps you fairly safe. Except for the 500 dammage Kamikaze attack of his. Also, he was fairly easy in Harmony of Dissonance aka white night concerto. But back in the day man, dracula would kill random Belmont's like it was his job.
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