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  1. feels too much like a midi rip, you need stronger instruments in there. the "electronic guitar plucks" (for want of a better description) are a good example of this, its a very weak addition. I would strip it down to that great bassline you have there and work upwards.
  2. 110 views and no response? Is it that bad?
  3. Original: Remixed:http://indecks.org/song/Jigwolf+-+IdatenX/ I play this game waaay to much and the music has always appealed to me so I thought I would give "Idaten" a mix because it is such a beautiful track. Give it a listen, tell me what you think. This is posted as a release.
  4. The saxaphone although well placed and used is a little overpowering. There was a really beautiful set of synthy strings at the beginning and then they suddenly disappeared when the piano solo kinda kicked in. They are sorta replaced with a jazz organ later :S. Im in a rush writing this but apart from those things i quite enjoyed it =D, very mellow, i like. Thanks!
  5. I love the electronic stuff coming in at 3:20, i would like to have heard more of that, also the slow pulsing string synth i felt when on for a lil too long in the first half. Apart from that, very smooth, very dramatic and very good! Thanks =D
  6. Thanks very much for the detailed replies guys, very much appreciated. I've given it another shot, also included some very mellow vocals. I struggled to make a bass that sounded correct , I've included some bass, it's not great, but like I said it was a struggle . Original: http://www.indecks.org/?id=1191941559244729 Tree Beating Round #2: http://www.zshare.net/audio/523894086ddf22/ Keep the feedback coming
  7. Well in comparison to what you guys are submitting, this isn't great, but hey I enjoyed making it, and in doing so it got the original song out of my head. Original: http://www.indecks.org/?id=1191941559244729 My Mix: http://www.zshare.net/audio/50356879382b73/ I'm new to software arranging really, but I play instruments and just invested in a lot of nice equipment, so hopefully you will hear better arrangements from me in the future. I don't know if this is a WIP or no, i'll just wait to see what you guys think. Ok - *sigh* - lay it on me
  8. Yeh! I like this one, very mellow, very Chrono Trigger. That deserves to sit with the rest of the mixes as it is.
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