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    Paris, France

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Awesome stuff Using this famous quote of Raffarin was a very good idea. I'm not a fan of that of Chirac on the other side (maybe due to the poor audio quality of the sample). As for the music itself, it's really cool - reminded me of the 'Hello Zepp' theme by Charlie Clouser on the Saw I soundtrack. plain fun man, nice. (maybe in a next project you could use this quote of current president N. Sarkozy : "You are welcome to invest in 'Frence'. We will be 'appy' to 'elp' you make 'monay', in 'Frence'. And, of course, to make some 'monay' wiz you, for us".) http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/sarkozy+anglais/video/x24s1q_sarkozy-ridicule-essayant-de-parler_fun
  2. Wow I was so excited when I saw the new available ReMix ! I've been hoping for months that this game would be covered by ReMixers (not knowing the first thing about making music myself ). Anyway the result is just great. The use of the viola is an awesome idea, it gives a kind of majestic feeling to the whole thing, backed up with some serious powerful guitar technique (don't get me started on that solo !). Congratulations to all of you for this piece, and I hope you'll inspire some of the other ReMixers out here. Okami and Shadow of the Colossus could definitely use more coverage.
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