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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. zircon is right anyone who has played street fighter 4 for a longer time than most people and ISN'T good is probably a) an idiot and probably not even playing street fighter 4 anymore because they scurried back to halo 3 or something
  2. http://www.myocr.org/user.php?name=Bleck everyone be my friend please
  3. (not an april fool's joke) yeah okay sure
  4. the beatles: rock band was here guitar hero metallica is a fag
  5. my first ranked match online opponent picks akuma hadoken hadoken shakunetsu hadokenjumping hadoken jumping EX hadoken hadoken hadoken KO oh man this is gonna be fun
  6. okay I have gold you can all beat on me now hit me up on irc or aim or something
  7. yeah because tomb raider and hitman are so good to begin with
  8. troll troll troll ocr's word of the day is 'troll' seven days a week
  9. oh okay well the that door is being sticky camped guess I'll go through the other door oh wait that other door is being guarded by a very good sniper guess I'll go upstairs oh cool upstairs is covered by two sentries that are almost impossible to kill I must be bad at tf2!
  10. 'hey guys I hear you're talking about a game well I haven't actually beaten the whole thing so I don't really know about the main character's gradual personality shift but I don't like how he is in the first hour or so so I guess that's how he must have stayed'
  11. he should be banned because he has a lot of tools why get good with zangief when you could get good with a teleporting hyakuretsukyaku-ing sonic boom-ing arm-stretching multiple-shoryuken-ing version of zangief? oh wait I know because doing the latter would make you a cheap faggot
  12. seth should be banned he isn't even a real character
  13. Whatever... Also yeah, I almost cried manly tears at the end of CC when the DMV gets stuck on the picture of Aerith.
  14. yeah see the thing about charge ultras is that once you see a guile or vega player start to turtle or jump backwards a lot you know they are charging their ultra so if you're any kind of intelligent you'll know when to dodge it
  15. Agreeing with this. There needs to be a prequel to FFX that follows the shenanigans of Braska, Auron and Jecht.
  16. There is a huge difference between competitive gaming and what I refer to as professional gaming.
  17. I am not trolling professional gaming has and always will be a bunch of lol lol at butthurt about sagat lol at working hard to get up scores lol at tiers tiers tiers lol lol lol lol lol
  18. exclusively haha he's too good for psn peons now professional gaming lol
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