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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I've come to learn that anything with the words 'shin megami tensei' in the title usually ends up being monstrously bad
  2. ZOMBIE GOASTS LEAVE THIS PLACE but this is our house
  3. then snipe someone else instead of wasting bullets on an overhealed heavy durrrrr
  4. this is what I disagree with a skilled sniper will actually get kills, an unskilled sniper won't a skilled soldier will get a lot of kills, an unskilled soldier... will get a lot of kills and I guess look less cool while doing it or something
  5. zephyr what I am saying is that it is way easier to be successful as some classes than it is others - but being successful doesn't necessarily mean being good for some classes
  6. reflecting rockets is just one facet of pyros it is not necessary to be good at it to be able to kill other players (other than soldiers logically)
  7. pyro doesn't take much skill but then again neither does soldier
  8. with the exception of maybe astronaut helmets, helmets in general don't really protect from anything noteworthy
  9. tf2 is fun until people try to convince me that soldier takes skill
  10. uh no see that's the thing; he didn't Because Zelda sent Link back in time, he basically didn't exist there anymore. In the past, Ganondorf is executed for his crimes, but in the future, he's trapped in the Sacred Realm. When he busts out, in the future, there's no Link to save everybody, so the gods totally flood the place.
  11. There are two separate timelines at this point because time continues to go on from the 'future' in OoT. The time when Castle Town is all destroyed and whatnot? That doesn't all just cease to exist.
  12. if this game doesn't have Captain Tylor rgggh I don't know what I'll do
  13. the best way to make more money is clearly to just port old games instead of making new ones
  14. edgecrusher thinks that pointing out making a reference to gamefaqs without reading a thread makes him a cool guy
  15. don't make it 32 players it makes a lot of maps really boring/unbalanced
  16. I propose a wordfilter that changes PlayStation 3 to gaystation triple
  17. I will be a life-stealing druid because that is all I play ever
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