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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I won't consider something VR until I have to wear a helmet for it and I can feel myself getting stabbed by dragons
  2. yours is the backpedaling that will pierce the heavens
  3. again just because they can doesn't mean they will
  4. yeah I suppose with that in mind all the gaming companies will be quick to shut OCR down OH WAIT
  5. you CANNOT perform the music or lyrics in public you CANNOT play a recording of the music or lyrics in public--even if you own the CD oh well might as well call the cops and have every musician on the planet arrested
  6. no it's only against the law if a) you charge for it you hurt the sales of the original neither of which are things that OCR does
  7. internet advice number 43: saying that an argument isn't valid doesn't make it invalid lern 2 argu maet
  8. no actually it does matter yeah they CAN shut it down, but they WON'T because there is no REASON to you're trying to compare a website that gives out free music to a website that possibly details how to pirate one of the wii's best selling games difference here is that one of these websites doesn't step on any toes and the other just may cost nintendo a lot of money
  9. no I am pretty sure the fact that this site has been around probably four times longer than the other projects that get shut down is testament to how companies don't see OCRemix as a liability OCR doesn't condone or encourage piracy, it doesn't pass off remixes as original material and it doesn't use any artwork that needs permission to be used - nobody would ask OCR to shut down because there isn't any reason to
  10. has the site been shut down yet no well I guess that mystery is solved
  11. there fixed that for you I can't even look at my Diablo II CDs anymore.
  12. this site doesn't run the risk of potentially running down a certain companies profits
  13. in fact, why not just make everyone play on the same team in fact, why not just make the game automatically win in fact, why not just make the game a blank screen with the words 'YOU HAVE A BIGGER PENIS THAN THE OTHER PLAYERS' flashing repeatedly
  14. hey guys this is my opinion and it's right because I said so drrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  15. nobody cares if you haven't been posting as far as we're concerned your lame ass just joined yesterday
  16. oh my god are you some kind of watermelon that somehow grew sentient but still stayed retarded because he is a fucking watermelon edit: also there is a big difference from 'old' graphics and 'bad' graphics just because Super Mario Bros came out on the NES means it looks shitty - it's a fantastic looking game for it's time TFC however looks like a bunch of hurried fanmade models jerkily sliding around a plethora of shitbrown stages filled with big square buildings, which is uhhhh PRETTY SHITTY for it's time
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