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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. my skin has a greenish tint to it too that doesn't mean I'm a bloody lime
  2. can anyone even show me any actual video game art in which ganondorf is green I mean come on it's as if nobody has even been paying attention
  3. I only got into comics about a year ago and got most of the backstory from the internet
  4. maybe we should just not make video games into movies seeing as though so much of the medium is based heavily upon player interaction that whatever makes video games special will be lost upon hitting the big screen
  5. this looks good in before 'they always look good' and other tired cynicism
  6. I don't want Tim Drake as Batman simply because he's such a good Robin. Not to mention he's far too young.
  7. Dick Grayson should be the new Batman, should the time ever arrive.
  8. rambo can 'enter' my 'contest' any day
  9. It was Battsu in the Japanese version, and Bartz in the GBA version. The GBA version is considered by fans to be the canonical translation because; a) It's the better translation. 1) BUTTS IS A DUMB NAME
  10. FAC20 Theme - A Final Fantasy Christmas 2008 marks the twenty-first year since Final Fantasy was originally released for the NES. As we all know, 21 is when a man becomes a real man. But since we can't bring Final Fantasy to a strip club, we'll have to settle with this. The FF series is still incredibly popular today, and I very much doubt that anyone who calls themselves a gamer has not played through at least one entry or spin-off of the series. Opinions are still polar about whether the Job-focused earlier titles - with their quirky sprite art and engaging strategic gameplay - or the character driven, CGI packed later entries - with... well, really big swords and stuff - are better. But I'd like to think that whether or not your favorite memory is crossing the Big Bridge to battle Gilgamesh or that final climactic battle between Cloud and Sephiroth, that somewhere deep down, you're a Final Fantasy fan. - Bleck --- Welcome to the December 2008 edition of OCR's "official" Fan Art Competition (FAC). The winner of the previous month gets to choose the following month's theme. BUT I've picked the theme this month, so last month's winner - Nyuura - will have to wait until January. This months theme is A Final Fantasy Christmas - any art piece submitted has to do with Final Fantasy in some way, shape or form. The way the points are tallied this month is going to be a tiny bit different, so I thought I'd explain how it normally works first; Most of the time, you vote for your three favorite entries, from first to third. These entries are given points based on the order in which you voted for them in. For example, 1st. Rambo 2nd. bonzai 3rd. Nyuura In this case, Rambo would get 3 points, bonzai would get 2, and Nyuura would get 1 (although Nyuura gets three most of the time). This month, however, there is a chance for bonus points - since we're in the festivity-ridden month of December, any entry that also has to do with Christmas or even Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any other crazy holiday you can think of will get ten bonus points for their entry. Good luck, and I hope to see too many entries to count oh my godddd --- If your unfamiliar with the FAC, here is a thing. FAQ What is the Fan Art Competition? The Fan Art Competition is a monthly event where artists create some form of art based on a certain theme. What is the theme? The theme is decided by the winner of the previous months competition (most of the time) and must be video game related. Who can submit art? Anyone. What are my restrictions? You are allowed to submit one entry, but other than that there are no restrictions. There are no size, quality, image size restrictions. Who decides the winner? The OCR community. Anyone who wants to vote, can vote. How does voting work? You vote for your three favorite entries, from first to third. These entries are given points based on the order in which you voted for them in. For example, 1st. Rambo 2nd. bonzai 3rd. Nyuura In this case, Rambo would get 3 points, bonzai would get 2, and Nyuura would get 1 (although Nyuura gets three most of the time). When and how do we see the results? After the voting period is over, I announce the first, second, and third place winners. If I enter the contest can I vote? Yes, and voting for yourself is allowed if you really want to. Rules and Regulations! 1) Any art submitted must be based off of the months theme. 2) No nudity. 3) Your entry must be created within the month. It cannot have been something you've created in the past or partially finished prior to the announcement of the theme. 4) All entries must be 100% your work. Simply altering something created by someone else may be cool, but is not allowed as an entry. The Entries None yet! --- Support this competition by wearing one of these fancy sig things, or make one of your own -
  11. for information's sake, nyuura got more points than anyone else combined edit: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19729 new thread for this month is up
  12. Bartz is a Mime in this game. It lets him use everyone else's weapons. also hey everyone it's Bartz not Butz
  13. but neminem never posts anymore
  14. I like how Taucer says Ganondorf has to be perfect - and then suggest a bunch of white guys who could play him
  15. She'll probably be called Terra in the English version.
  16. yeah looking at the fact that bartz was essentially a vagrant before the game begins he probably wouldn't have been the plumpest guy around
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