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Posts posted by FR

  1. I've still got the original versions of that gif on my hdd (and the other one, where Superman is similarly beating the christ out of Darkseid, and I think I still have the Flash one, where he's perpetually rearranging Lex Luthor's insides.) It was my sig (and eventually YTMND's) for a LONG time.

    EDIT: Oh, I found Green Lantern's snow angels too. And self-loating Superman (perpetually beating HIMSELF up.) And Booster Gold "on crowd control."

    And Brock slamming that one russian chick face first into the toilet bowl.

    And Harvey, waving at us. And Birdgirl - with the whip.

    And the skydiving Tetris game.

    Those were fun to make. I should do that again sometime.

    Post it.

    I want to see them.


  2. You gonna cry? You gonna cry cuz your mommy ain't here to wipe the shit off of your ass?

    Go ahead and cry kiddo, it'll make great footage for the Christmas Party. By the way, you're not invited.

    Your mom is however.

    oh noes RD is trolling me

    what am i to do??????????????????????

  3. Pornography is disgusting and how any man is sexually aroused by it is beyond me.

    I cannot watch another man's penis other than my own enter a vagina. FUCK THAT.

    Lesbian porn is good for idiots like you.

    I know I said I wasn't gonna post in this thread anymore but I had to say this:

    I hate you luke

    Seriously rofl


    ha ha

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