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Posts posted by FR

  1. Doesn't the store tell you the price of the game? Average prices? I don't know that.

    I have the 60 gig so my games run fine(the 60 gig is the one that doesn't emulate right?).

  2. I know it's a little late to make a post about this but: Anybody else a little disappointed by Mass Effect?

    Also, Ikagura is hard. So is Rez(at least the bosses can be) and so is Triggerheart Exelica.Cod 4 was better then I thought it was gonna be.

  3. I beaten halo 3, gears of war, and assasins creed(got it for the ps3). I'm gonna start mass effect later today. Lost odyssey is already on my to buy list. Gta 4 I was thinking of getting it for the ps3(is there a big differance between the two versions?).Thanks for the suggestions and keep them coming.

    Btw any notable xbox live games worth buying?

  4. Anybody wanna recommend some games? I'm Getting my elite tomorrow. Not gonna pay for the gold account so no online play and I'm not a big FPS fan so take that into consideration.

    Don't let me down guys :<

  5. Hey Raptor, we share a birthday. Cool. Also, are you the same Raptor that did the Metal Gear Awesome videos? Because they're fucking hilarious.

    Cool I guess; No, I'm not Egoraptor. Kinda funny that we both have a raptor type name and both live in Florida.

    Also, Bluefox isn't that annoying IMO.I'm not saying that he didn't deserve the Temp-Ban just saying that I don't find him as terrible as everyone else does.

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