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Posts posted by FR

  1. We all know there's only one man who should have the right to carry oversized swords, and he doesn't belong to Square.

    I was thinking of the guy from Berserk...But I'm guessing the guy you're talking about is from a game.

    I wanna know the answer, please.

  2. Then your opinions (all of them) are entirely invalid.

    That's why I didn't comment on 1-6.

    That's terrible. TERRIBLE!

    I know...:oops:

    Edit: I just remembered that I have played played 1-6, My bro got the anthologies and I tried each one...I got into a fight, didn't like it, and tried the next game. That was a long time (8 years maybe) ago though, I'd probably appreciate each game for what it's worth now. When I get home I'll pop in the CD and give it another try.

  3. Street Fighter II Turbo. Although, if I recall, the game's actually Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting, so maybe it's Super Street Fighter II: Turbo?

    I was gonna do hyper fighting but I couldn't fit all the pics so I did turbo...but I forgot to include the super part...

  4. An Ace Attorney musical. The first Pheonix Wright game would be great. Pheonix would be a tenor, Edgeworth a baritone, Von Karma a bass, Maya a soprano, and Mia an alto.

    ... Actually, I'm not sure how it would work in reality. I'm just thinking about the requisite scene where Phoenix belts out OBJECTION in song. Yes...

    I second this, and what would Gumshoe be?

  5. I'm starting a Happy Birthday Sephfire thread because it seems like no one else has, and to show my appreciation for this thread (Never would have seen his reviews without the thread) and this so (and the music of course)...

    Happy Birthday Sephfire!

    If you don't like being wished happy birthday then ignore this :)

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