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Posts posted by Binweasel

  1. http://www.bearmccreary.com/blog/?p=1833#more-1833 - featuring some clips and a drool-worthy 8-bit rendition of the main theme.

    For anyone who doesn't know: Bear McCreary owas the composer for all four seasons the 2003 remake of Battlestar Galactica, which wrapped up not too long ago. He also scores Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and has done a few horror/slasher films here and there.

    Never heard of the game before, so I can't really comment much about it, except to say that I'm going to snag it the moment it comes out for a console I own regardless of what genre or how good the gameplay is. XD Definitely want to remix that main theme (once I can get my hands on a midi or somesuch.)

    I see a few OC Remix blokes have all ready mentioned this place in his blog's comments. It'd be awesome if OCR could get an interview with him - from what I've seen, he seems the sort who'd gladly make time for it, maybe even do a remix or two himself!

    Edit: O-kay. If Iron Man and Shadow of the Collosus had a baby, and the baby became an astronaut... well, cargo pilot... who flies into the Bermuda Triangle... and meets Tesla, who helps him battle aliens? The only thing it's missing is riding a giant snow leapord into a snarling army with nothing to defend yourself with except a shovel with a serrated scoop. And robots that look like ferrets.


  2. Oooh. Thanks, everyone! I'll try to choose a song quick. There's just so many I want to use, it'll take a bit to decide which.

    And, yep, I was. XD Parts of the accordion and of the bassline were nicked from "Monkey's Delivery Service". I figure, if anyone has reason to beat the snot out of Fassad... Unfortunately, the manner of bass in that song does not particuarly fit well in a song with such odd chord structures, hence the near-randomness of the bass. I admit, I got a bit sidetracked from my original goal of a simple Spanish quartet. I knew my guitar samples were rubbish, so refrained from doing much more with those, adding in other instruments to get the job done better. And then totally skimped out on production anyhow, eheh...

  3. Drat you, miss Rexy! Drat you! I don't have time for this! We're in the middle of moving! Why have I got half a song plotted out already! Argh! XD

    Mother 3 rocks. I honestly haven't been as excited for a game's soundtrack since I first played Chrono Trigger. Monkey's Love Theme, Monkey's Delivery Service, every song related to Duster... The bit in the club just plain stunned me. FF6's opera scene can go cry in its dressing room.

  4. Wooee. Almost didn't do it this time... Didn't have any decent ideas until, like, today. Hurrah for doing-everything-in-the-last-eight-hours? XD

    As I failed to say it in the submission thingummy... Thank you, miss Rexy, for making PRC one of the more inviting competitions to enter for people who're shy as a hermit crab and as skilled as a blind knife-juggler.

  5. Bwuahaha! Oh... man.

    I'd gone through the entries, pressing play, then pause, to load them up all in one go... only I forgot to pause "Gangsta Knight" and I'd left "Solemn Oath" going... didn't realise it 'til halfway through. It's a real treat, listening to them together like that, though.

    And I'm sorry for not being available for the last one. If I'd had the time, I would've joined in... alas. Alas.

  6. Sometimes I get asked, "Oh, so you compose music? When did you learn to read notes?"

    "I didn't."

    "So you play by ear, then?"

    "I'm actually tone-deaf."


    "No, I use piano-roll for composing. It's like tapestries of lego overlapping, with different colours for the note velocities, and - "

    "Do you know how to play any Beetles songs on guitar?"


    Having learned how to play every song I know using this, I'm afraid it's taken up my brain when I think about how other music is built.

    I wonder what it'd be like if I hadn't gone down that path...

  7. Hm. I wasn't planning on entering this time (like the song; just busy), but maybe...

    How long with the extension be for? A set amount of days, or just until there's enough entries to make voting worthwhile?

    Also, what exactly is a MIDI rip? I've seen the term around, but not with any clear definition. It's when you just remix it in a midi-editor and then record that directly to an mp3, no effort involved in any other process to make it sound better, right?

  8. Ooh! Good one, 64! Very much liked yours - liked 'em all, really, but it's nice to know that the one I'd've voted for first place if voting didn't take place in the only three days of the week I actually work won. XD (Good luck with that Star Trek, too.)

    And I'm going to listen to Chicken's next time I go to the dentist. Wicked stuff.

    I feel somewhat proud of my spoon; now I can eat Lazysoup and get that Double Bubble taste out of my mouth from PRC117.

  9. I'm actually finding it rather easy... I seem to have picked a good style, lots of room for, y'know... stuff. The problem I'm having is time. I should be able to finish by the deadline, though. Done the composing bit now, just to patch the midi into Reason tomorrow.

    But at least I've learned not to rent an entire season of Battlestar Galactica from a place that only gives you a day to watch it.

    ... Say, can anyone here play bagpipes?

  10. I say, I rather like this so far.

    For the emptiness, how about palm-muted arpeggios? Start 'em off nice and slow at 0:34 when the melody comes in, unmute and/or speed 'em up at 1:17 when the drums really kick in. Maybe make the arpeggios, hmm, bigger at the same time? That'd fill in all the bits that sound lacking, and it's easy to switch up to keep interesting. Not sure how I am at explaining, so here's an example: http://www.mediafire.com/?jgm9xnowbne

    Some grungy power chords would also do the trick, I should think. The speed sounds okay to me...

  11. Leading into the soft rock sections left me fickle; I appreciate the guts it takes to get a live bassist into it, but I felt that his place seems to be a little random in comparison to the synth guitar patches (which I say are actually very decent here for what they are). I do admit that he ended up adapting a bit better in the second transition around 2:50, so yeah, that was a thoughtful surprise through and through. I would have thought some of the middle-lows could be brought out upon the synth guitar patch though to make it stand out a bit more, similarly with more thought taken to the percussion's EQ levels as well.

    The second transition was actually where I allowed him more room for improvisation; I'd composed the bass up 'til around 3:20, I think. After that I told him, "Here's the chords, just fill in the bits as you like." I'll definitely look into that guitar thing, too. Until I can record my own proper, I'll probably be using it quite a lot. Nice to know it's not flinch-inducing... yet.

    And one of these days I'll actually attempt to EQ something beyond combinator presets. :oops: Thanks for the review, ma'am! (Eep.)

    And thanks for the songs, everyone - and congrats again, Mr. Dummy, on winning! (I really rather liked the ending. Made me think.)

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