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Everything posted by XSlicer

  1. Yay, the DS needs more (great) RPG's. TWEWY was great, but Final Fantasy doesn't really cut for me.
  2. The wii is getting greater and greater with homebrew. But as other said, I'm scratching my head too for all the things Nintendo doesn't do (not specifically DVD playback, like Bahamut said). I wonder how far the wii can get hacked (and not bricked along the way).
  3. In Fight Club, there's this specific moment where the Tyler threatens his boss. It's Zerg music being played there. Besides that, there's a lot more in Fight Club..
  4. Sad, he was great in ocean's eleven. "They could have better named it whitejack!" is a quote I won't forget, it was a funny one. RIP
  5. I could mirror. I'm not expecting a huge amount of bandwith (right?) I don't know if you're interested, I'll hear it if you are.
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