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Posts posted by WindStrike

  1. Ah, good to know. I look forward to killing you soon! (or vice versa)

    Still gotta warmup in a 1v2 computers real fast, but no rush for the match on our part.

    Actually, after asking a friend that actually knows how to do a siege tank rush, I think I can pull it off. And after that comes the battlecruisers. Whee!

    Edit: That's why it worked... we always played on an edited version of Killing Fields for fun (dubbed Great Killing Fields) that added a bunch more resources... namely a second vespene geyser at starting locations! Now vultures with spider mines followed up with battlecruisers later... that would work.

  2. Fyi, due to not using my BNet account for forever, I created a new one and the account name is WindStrike and not Wind_Strike (no underscore). Just a quick fyi.

    ... also, I found that I don't know how to do a siege tank rush without getting killed right off the bat by 12 zealots. Though I do know how to lurker rush/dark templar rush, except that I'm Terran, so whatever...

    On another note, those are some awesome frigin' maps.

  3. I'm all for it if cp_steel and pl_cashworks are on there or something (seeing as they're my favorite two maps... actually, cp_blackmesa is really fun too).

    I'm not gonna be on TF2 too much until after the end of next week, but I'll be sure to hop on tomorrow sometime relatively early (probably between 7:00-8:00pm EST). Reason being that I'm in the pit orchestra for my school's play (doing Copacabana) and we started doing 4:00-8:30 rehearsals recently, and then we're doing the shows at the end half of next week, so I'm pretty much out for the most part.

    1. Make a list for every single memorable video game quote ever.
    2. Do a barrel roll.
    3. Do a rick roll.
    4. Do a duck roll.
    5. Do a katamari roll.


    1. Do my homework.
    2. Work on ZCURPG to make up for the lack of updates (that'll never happen).
    3. Write an overdue episode of RZCU, be it a main storyline one or just some side stuff.
    4. Stop sucking while playing the clarinet (and start blowing?).
    5. Eat cake (eldest brother's birthday).
    6. Write a frigin' story (haven't done that in a while) about a bunch of stereotypical characters doing nontypical things. Let's call them idiots.
    7. Pull up a thread regarding what "it" is.

    And now for my motivational efforts for you all.


    Get a life. You'll find those in the Mushroom Kingdom.

  4. Well, in the case we don't like that map design, you could make another or a variation for the fun of it. ^_^

    Also, due to recent modifications to my desk space and whatnot, I now have a 22-inch widescreen monitor over my 19-inch widescreen, so uhh... that'll be nice for when I start getting the server filled in 2 to 3 hours (somewhere between 8:00-8:30p.m. EST... hopefully).

    EDIT: Stand on the freaking point you moron! (means get on TF2)

  5. I... am not... playing... until that dies down a bit. Hyperactive scouts running around the map and probably getting past turrets...

    ... this will be the worst game ever.

    EDIT: Wait, I lied. Setting fighter squadrons in empire at war to spawn two to three times per second is the worst (lol, 1000 fighter squadrons - LAG!).

    EDIT2: Ok, LOOK AT THE BACKGROUND IN THAT UPDATE. Is that both a red cart AND a blue cart? O_o All I know is that I don't know what that map is.

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