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Everything posted by WindStrike

  1. What have we learned when it comes to drunk night TF2? DON'T MIX TERIYAKI WITH RED WINE. Or any drink in general. I'm still feeling the shakiness that is regret.
  2. Keep in mind that every time a large update releases for TF2, there are pubbies everywhere. The regulars didn't start stacking up on the server until after a few hours passed, and prior to then, yeah it was a meatgrinder. Even when it got to mostly regulars, well... new stuff releases, people want to just try it out. The game will probably return to normal in a week... maybe. Also, this is genius:
  3. Apparently, by typing "Do a Barrel Roll" in the Google search engine, Google will do a barrel roll, as a result of pressing 'R' twice. Autofill may cause it to barrel roll before you finish typing it.
  4. It took me the second listen through before I noticed Song of Healing in there, and several more times before I recognized all instances of Song of Healing. Really amazing job, I'm stunned by the quality of this mix. Also, the section from 2:44-2:50 made me think Sins of a Solar Empire. In fact, this mix would actually fit pretty well in that game. Had I not known this was Majora's Mask ahead of time, it would've taken me forever to realize what it was, and that's not a bad thing.
  5. This is an extremely amazing fan movie created by free space films based on StarCraft. One of the most epic fan creations I've seen for anything. Check it out:
  6. There's always Shadows of Lylat, if it'll ever come out. If Retro (or anyone) were to make a new SF game, I'd rather they try to keep the cheesiness that SF64 had, kinda generic but one heck of a fun and replayable romp.
  7. I beat Super Mario Sunshine... never got all 120 shines though, and honestly, I don't want to. Way too hard.
  8. Welp, been a regular here for a while, right around when the server first started out. Any chance I can have a reserved slot? (though I admit that I don't play nearly as much anymore)
  9. LET THE GALAXY BURN! Oh, and happy birthday and stuffs to you two.
  10. Unsealed, by CarboHydroM. Epic rock medley covering every song from A Link to the Past encompassing 19 minutes of awesomeness. I'm currently holding third place on the score rankings with a pointman score, doubt I'll ever take first. Find it here on his site - http://www.carbohydrom.net/music.html
  11. Will you be shifting back to old voicechat codec temporarily for allowing micspam or are you just going to troll everyone with your voices? Got a lot of quotes I could micspam from things I've watched recently, alongside rick roll etc.
  12. On a random note, we're avoiding using remixes from the same game within the same month. Likewise, no more than two from a single series. Also, every five weeks we'll be doing an "event week" that's prepped ahead of time and has a special theme going for it. That said, if it's been two or three weeks and your suggestion hasn't been added yet, it's probably one of those reasons mentioned. We will get around to adding all suggestions eventually, so don't hesitate to keep adding more suggestions here! (or in the comments section of the group) We still need an avatar for the group, so if someone can come up with something, please do so.
  13. That is a terrible set of beta changes. Making the standard weapons gimmicky is just... it just seems stupid to me. Hopefully they don't make it through.
  14. What Portal 2 should have been: http://www.dorkly.com/video/14583/dorkly-bits-mario-with-a-portal-gun
  15. For the record, we're posting the Steam weekly announcements here as well.
  16. Windows Media Player with a partial WOW setting of 20 on the effect itself and 35 on the TruBass effect. You may wanna go lower, but any higher than that may cause noticeable distortions in the sound.
  17. The backburner has always been usable. Just a different play style with it is all it is. Something tells me that burst flare is gonna get extremely abusable.
  18. Oh uhh... I sorta started that a few nights ago myself, though I only went through 10-15 of them, mainly because I didn't have more than that. I think a music plugin of some sort, whether it be voting or a global radio for the server would be neat if it exists.
  19. Effect --> Volume --> Maximize Volume Change the number down to -20. That's what I set most everything to, though I might go more for -21 or -22 (Metamorphic Rock remix apparently had to get knocked down to -24). Occasionally, I'll set things to -15 if the song is quiet to start with. So yeah, that's how I set the volume on all my songs within 10 seconds each.
  20. Was there someone complaining about it? I dunno, maybe it was when I had TF2 alt-tabbed during certain tracks, but as far as I know, everyone seemed nicely receptive of it. For the record, I think it'd be cool to have a OCR-only micspam night every week or two. That is, all mixes on OCR, other albums/mixes from the remixers, and official OCR albums. That said, I'll be sure to get at least thirty more for the next time I go on an OCR micspam spree.
  21. It's like if Platinum the Trinity had Tao's theme instead. Awesome stuff. Blazblue FTW.
  22. For those of you that enjoy RTS games, there is a free multiplayer beta of Retribution, which is a standalone expansion pack to Dawn of War 2. The process takes approx. 5 minutes and then it's simply waiting for the 3-4GB download to complete in Steam. Click here to go through the quick process - http://community.dawnofwar2.com/blog-post/repost-receiving-retribution-beta-keys The beta runs until midnight of the 24th of this month. It covers only the multiplayer mode (not the Last Stand mode) and includes a new volcano-type map as well as the Imperial Guard race, making a total of six playable races and lot of maps ranging from 2 to 6 players. If you wanna hit me up on Steam and play a few matches with/against me, look up [OCR]WindStrike (if that doesn't work, look up WindStrike72) and I'll be more than happy to help you figure the game out or completely annihilate you.
  23. Don't forget to check nothing. They might kill you even when they don't exist.
  24. Nor do I. LET THE GALAXY BURN!
  25. http://www.dorkly.com/ Not sure I'd call it one person so much as a group of people. But yeah, dorkly bits are brilliant. Favorite is probably this one - http://www.dorkly.com/video/5325/dorkly-bits-yoshi-hates-mario
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