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Posts posted by DusK

  1. Just to clarify: I had considered throwing in vocal harmonies at one point, but this song was created to be played live, and there's only one of me. For that reason, I stuck with a single vocal track and a single guitar track.

    I recorded the acoustic guitar with a Shure SM58, because that's the only mic I own. I could not for the life of me EQ what I ended up with after tracking to sound as good as I really wanted. All I could do is try to get it close.

  2. Start well within your comfort zone. Stick with a source tune you know well, and do it in a style you know well.

    With experience will come two obvious truths: That there's plenty of room for improvement -- and there always will be -- and that you'll have an easier time branching out into different styles and unknown sources later on.

  3. I use real instruments, because real instruments are the shit. Don't fuck around.

    Really, though, what Timmy said. If you feel like a certain instrument doesn't sound the way you think it should be sounding, you can always use effects like EQ, reverb, etc.

    Just not too much. If you have to go overboard, what you thought might work just really won't.

  4. Sonic fanboy for life here, and even I can see the massive gap in quality between recent Mario games and recent Sonic games. The only great Sonic game recently was Generations, and even that pales in comparison to most of the the last two generations' Mario games.

    Sonic was best on 16-bit, and unfortunately, that's not nostalgia talking. If they can get the people who did Generations back together and make them improve on it, give us more of that, Sonic will have a chance. Lost World sucks. Sonic Boom sucks hard.

  5. Another quick update: I ran into a few technical difficulties and have had a good chunk of my time eaten by a found stray cat. I have most of that cleared up except for the dead strings, which will be replaced tomorrow.

    So, yeah. Tomorrow. Finished mix. Should be in your hands by midnight, or at least early morning Monday if I end up staying up late. It's written, but not recorded.

  6. I'm sick of people continuing to slander and demonize Anita Sarkeesian. It's one thing to disagree with her views, and deconstruct her arguments, but to attack her character is utterly pathetic, and shows that those who do so have no argument whatsoever. No one here knows here personally, and yet people act like they are intimately familiar with her personal motivations and "real" goals. Why intelligently deconstruct her argument when you can just make shit up?

    This thread seems to have turned into the demonize Anita thread, I hope this thread gets closed, or at least a topic change.

    I don't really feel like saying that she doesn't play video games is really slander.

    But whether or not she does is really irrelevant. You can see what a game is and still write a commentary on it. Of course, that concept is lost on the GamerGate crowd, because if you don't play games, you're not in that exclusive "boy's club" and aren't allowed to have an opinion.

  7. Or that a San Franciscan using the pseudologic of proponents of a prominent ideology in San Francisco is just not surprising.
    Guys, don't criticize an entire movement based off of its prominent widespread image perpetuated by many self-identified supporters of that movement. Only pro-GGers are allowed to do that.

    As they say over at 8chan, top kek.

    Also I'd appreciate it if you'd stop attacking my character, Turbo, because that does nothing to help your cause.

    He didn't attack your character. And if anyone ever did attack your character, he'd report them. Hell, you probably just faked all that stuff about your character being attacked. #GamerGate

    To be completely serious though, Turbo provided an excellent example of why the "GamerGate" tag, considering its fallacious origins, is still used: There will always be people so opposed to reason that they need to cling to conspiracy theories. Birthers, 9/11 truthers, HAARPers... five guysers?

  8. Guys, don't try to claim throwaway accounts harassing people in your name are detractors or misguided activists who are not condoned by the overwhelming majority of the group. Only anti-GGers are allowed to do that.

    Wait wait wait.

    You just typed up a post -- another in a series of posts, actually -- hinting at the concept that it's erroneous to judge an entire group of people based on anecdotal statements...

    ...and then linked to a blog that continuously judges an entire group of people based on anecdotal statements.

    How do you not understand why nobody is taking you seriously yet?

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