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Posts posted by DusK

  1. Is anti-gamergate rooted in accusations and comparisons to offensive figures like Alex Jones? :-P Not having all the facts is a little more forgivable than being mean IMO, he can at least read up on stuff and get the rest of the story whereas being mean or snarky is less easy to correct

    Yeah, where was that scolding shit when he posted his own snark a page ago?

    Bias and double standards. Bias and double standards everywhere.

  2. But that part you're saying that's debunked? No.

    For a picture claiming to prove something, it does a pretty bad job of proving anything. Should I let everyone I've tagged on Facebook know that I'm banging all of them?

    Also, Grayson reviewed her game? When? Let's see it.

    Actually, let's just get right to the point: Post a single review of Depression Quest written by someone she allegedly slept with.

  3. I just clicked on the youtube link in your sig, looked at every video uploaded within the last 3 months and didn't find anything even remotely related to GG that's all over the comments in any of them?

    Did you leave out anything like you deleted the comments, or you run several different youtube channels?

    I mean, if you're going to characterize "the WHOLE movement" based on the actions of a troll, you should know that a hasty generalization fallacy is supposed to involve a bad sample size, not a non-existent one.

    He showed up and insisted that my music should be boycotted by "decent, reasonable people" because I, as a "misandrist gamma male", needed to be "taught a lesson". He also proceeded to spout that debunked stuff about Zoe Quinn sleeping around with game reviewers and whatnot on my G+ page.

    I deleted his comment and banned him. I don't deal with trolls any more than that, usually. Just found it interesting that my very first run-in with someone pro-GG was a troll.

    But I'm sure I just made that stuff up, right? #GamerGate #notyourshield

  4. Well, you certainly didn't seem to read my post on the subject. Their point is that when you act a certain way (like posting controversial things on the internet), you can expect a certain response (like harassment from random anonymous assholes).

    And my point is that you -- and the fedora brothers over there -- are completely incorrect in your assessment that such a heinous response is in any way to be expected. When you post something controversial on the Internet, especially if it's just a personal opinion, it's not in any way a reasonable expectation to be doxxed, harassed, or to have your life threatened.

    The Internet isn't some dark alley, and posting something controversial isn't like leaving your wallet out.

    Anyway, I'm done. All this victim blaming is tiring. I'm just going to reiterate what is by far the most accurate thing posted in this thread since I showed up:

    However, it's a sad state of affairs where we suggest that to avoid harassment, people should not share their opinions.
  5. That would be your stance regardless of any possible argument one could make.

    Nobody has actually made one yet. Everything you and Meteo have said so far boils down to "they're to blame because they did something". Neither of you can list a single thing that actually makes them in any way responsible for what's happening to them, and in lieu of that, you two post vague stuff like "if they hadn't been doing what they do" and cop-outs like "they should have expected it" -- which again, not a single reasonable person on this planet fucking would.

    Nobody here has been able to explain exactly what they did that even makes them even partially responsible for what's happening to them other than "they exist and they do stuff". And that's bar none the stupidest reason a person could have for blaming another person for anything, really.

    You know what it's called to blame someone for something bad happening to them simply because they exist and do stuff? It's called victim blaming. Yeah, I used that phrase again, because the shoe fits.

    But you'll say you're not, and that Quinn and Sarkeesian are to blame for what's happening to them because they "exist and do stuff". That would be your stance regardless of any possible argument one could make, Mr. Pot.

  6. Not that I think explaining it to you at this point would do any good, but I doubt they'd be getting death threats and harassment if they hadn't done the things they're known for in the first place.

    I'm not saying that makes it ok to make death threats and harass people, I'm simply explaining the mechanics of how real world actions and consequences work. Having a political/ethical position doesn't suddenly change the mechanics of how that stuff follows one another. This is not a black-and-white issue, there's some major gray area, a lot of speculation, he-said-she-said, and bullshit on all sides of this to make it what it is.

    So basically, they're to blame because they did... something.

    I'm too tired for this shit. I'm going to bed. But hey, I'm enlightened now. Thanks for explaining it so clearly. I'll do you guys a favor and pass the word along that if they didn't want to get doxxed, harassed, and threatened, they should have never have "done the things they're known for".

    And on that note, that goes for the rest of you. Clearly, if you don't want to deal with the heinous behavior Quinn and Sarkeesian have had to deal with over the past few months, you should never "do the things you're known for", because if it happens to you, it's your fault for... doing stuff.

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