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Soul Splint

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Posts posted by Soul Splint

  1. Joined a gym to get myself back in the groove of working out again. Today was my first day and it didn't suck! Here's hoping I can keep the momentum going!

    Aw yeah. Won't be much longer til you're Down with the Sickness (of training like a freak).

    Not bad for a moderately tasty (it's not amazing, but it's palatable) toasted lunch.

    My TDEE is 2100 I believe (haven't been checking my weight), but that still leaves some wiggle room at dinner time if I want to maintain

    I think I'm at a comfortable weight, trying to maintain but don't mind if it gets nudged up a little. My new goal is to get rid of my stomach and make my chest look broader/defined, and when I begin working out with those goals in mind, I'll start alternating cutting and bulking.

    Heh, "palatable" is all I shoot for these days. The good news is, the longer you do this, the less you'll care about how something tastes. Food just becomes components to fit your goals.

    You said you haven't been tracking your weight, but, out of curiosity, what are your general body proportions as far as height and weight go?

  2. I wish I had some advice for that, but it hasn't been an issue for me ever. Maybe it's because of your height? One thing that MIGHT be worth doing... bodyweight squats with resistance bands around your knees. Basically, you'll have to actively push outwards at all times to maintain your form. I would not do this with weight because that seems really dangerous, BUT I had to do it in physical therapy and found it to be pretty challenging. I imagine it COULD help you?

    This definitely sounds like it's worth a shot. Thanks :smile:

  3. Since it's been a couple of weeks, I figured I'd stop in an give a trip report on Convict Conditioning so far:


    On a related note, I've lost 10lbs since New Years. Pretty excited about that.

    Sounds like a great program for people wanting to achieve the kind of results you're looking for. Agreed on the progress being a bit slower than traditional weight training, but the pros sound like they far outweigh the cons for you.

    Question for my squatters out there: the one part of my form that continues to struggle is my knees trying to cave inward (toward each other) when I approach my max weight (three reps or less). I am hyper-aware of it and have made noticeable improvement over the past 3-4 months, but it continues to be something I have to actively focus on in order to keep decent form. Did any of you struggle with this, or have any tips or tweaks? Turning my toes out toward a 45 degree angle helps a bit, but doesn't eradicate it entirely.

  4. I'm 5'9 164 and my TDEE average, factoring in workouts, is 2250... so to cut at a reasonable pace I NEED to eat like 1750 or even lower (my goal is 1650/day). I am green with envy if you have a TDEE of 2700.

    6'3, 198 pounds (as of now, trying to make it over the 200 hump). So yeah, 2660 for maintenance. I typically go to about 2100-2200 when cutting. Don't be green, brah. You got the skwatz :)

    Wait.... you're saying the sugars in the banana, yogurt, and V8 don't count? Because if you take those out, then you get 36g sugar.

    Oh, I didn't realize both lines in your comment included that's day's sugar. Yeah, those sugars count, but the natural sources (banana and V8 ) are of course much better than refined sources. Just to clarify, the amount of sugar you took in that day wasn't necessarily bad, I was just concerned that there was that much in so few calories. You may want to look into including some more natural foods into your diet like lean meats, veggies, eggs, etc. (unless of course what you're eating is getting you results and some degree of satiety).

    It did! Me, Deia, and OA hit the gym today (Sun) at noon. I guess we forgot to post publicly but we did try to spread the word a bit in person. The fitness room was decent relative to most hotels... cable machine, dumbbells up to 50 lbs, lots of cardio of course. We did some dumbbell OHP, db bench press, db rows, lateral raises, chin-ups. Since it was just the three of us we reaped ALL the gains.

    Jelly. Super-jelly. I was there in bro-spirit, though.

  5. Well let's see.... out of the 5 nutrisystem items I am supposed to eat every day, (Breakfast, lunch, dinner, 2 desserts) the sugars were 9 for breakfast, 10 for lunch, 3 for dinner, 9+5 for dessert.

    There was 14 in that banana, 10 in that yogurt, 7 in the V8, and none in the peanuts or eggs.

    I'm not sure what to change. Oh, and the nutrisystem foods are pretty much regular food except for more fiber, protein, and smaller portion sizes. I wouldn't call it special other than that.

    Well, from your above description that would be 36 grams in a day, which is much better than 67. It will be difficult to change anything within the system as I assume you'll often be eating things created by Nutrisystem, and to have full control over your diet requires being able to eat very specific foods to meet your needs (which is easiest when you are buying your own ingredients to make your own food).

    Do you know what your typical macro breakdown is in a day?

  6. I'm done with day 4 of nutrisystem and today I recorded everything I did. There were 1633calories and 67g sugar. There were fruits and vegetables, but the biggest contribution to the list was 3 servings of peanuts totaling 480calories. If you want I can break it down further by item, time, and other nutrition for each one. I also did a half workout today because I was still tired from yesterday.

    I need some input. I'm really stupid when it comes to nutrition. Anyone feeling insightful?

    67 grams of sugar in 1633 calories? That's...not good. 1633 calories is likely way too low for you (especially on a training day), and that's a heck of a lot of sugar to be in something called Nutrisystem, even with several servings of fruit. Eating like this would be a recipe for me feeling tired every single day. For reference, my calories to maintain my weight are 2700. I'm eating at about 3300 a day (on training days) right now to gain. When I cut, I never ever go below 2000, and rarely do I get below 2200. I know everyone is different, and for a small-statured female 1600 would probably be okay, but I think it may do you more harm than good.

  7. I think both matters :neutral: If you eat more times, less quantity but the same amount of calories (TDEE) your metabolism becomes better and you burn fat more fast than if you were only eating 3 times a day.

    Think that your stomach is not doing anything unless you're doing the digestion, which is something that requires energy from your body (burn calories). So I think both matters.

    I know this is generally-accepted public knowledge and that many fitness "experts" still swear it is the case, but it has been disproven. I too was a staunch believer in this myth for many years.


    Conclusion and results below from the study linked above. (LFr = low-frequency diet, RMR = resting metabolic rate).


    The higher rise and subsequently fall of insulin in the LFr diet did not lead to a higher fat oxidation as hypothesized. The LFr diet decreased glucose levels throughout the day (AUC) indicating glycemic improvements. RMR and appetite control increased in the LFr diet, which can be relevant for body weight control on the long term.

    Glucose and insulin profiles showed greater fluctuations, but a lower AUC of glucose in the LFr diet compared with the HFr diet. No differences between the frequency diets were observed on fat and carbohydrate oxidation. Though, protein oxidation and RMR (in this case SMR + DIT) were significantly increased in the LFr diet compared with the HFr diet. The LFr diet increased satiety and reduced hunger ratings compared with the HFr diet during the day.

    If eating more meals works better for you personally, then there is no reason not to. But people who specifically eat many small meals a day because they think they are revving up their metabolism are wasting their time.

  8. Yeah, it sucks they are shutting the program down, but perhaps they'll replace it with something better. I can't venture a guess at your questions because I've never played D&D or Chrono Cross, but posting here in case you end up giving them away. I think my coin total isn't very high, so these might enable me to get a decent game download or two before the program closes. Thanks for the offer.

  9. My focus is on appearance for sure, I know I'm internally healthy and fit at this point.

    An older guy stopped me at the gym today to school me on my dumbell curls. Said I need to stop using my back and use full range (difficult with my long arms) He also said five meals a day and my love of running is a "strike." So basically what I'm going to do is eat like crazy and make it like 75% protein. I can't stop running, just will eat more.

    My focus is aesthetics as well (many people have this goal but don't admit it). The guy in the gym was right about not using your back for curls, but there are a couple of things I want to point out for you, particularly because I was on a very similar path a couple of years ago.

    1) The number of meals you eat in a day DOES NOT MATTER. The amount of calories does.

    2) Please, please don't make 75% of your calories protein. I know it seems like this is the best approach for maximum muscle gains, but it isn't. You will need adequate carbs for energy and adequate fat for hormone production, which is super important. Google how to track your macros (macronutrients: MyFitnessPal is a decent app to help you with this). For muscle gain, you'll want somewhere between 30-50% of your calories to come from carbs, about 30-35% from protein, and the rest from fat. As you adjust to this you can look into slightly more advanced methods such as carb cycling (which I have to do because my body is overly sensitive to carbs).

    3) Keep on running if you enjoy it, you can always eat more, as you said. For gains, you'll want to find your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), which will tell you how many calories you burn on average during the day. Then, aim to eat at least 500 calories above that. However, more than 1,000 calories above will be just adding fat; the body can only add so much muscle at once. Try to find the sweet spot between 500-1000 above your TDEE.

    Couple questions again! Hi.

    zircon and I talked, so since I'm a tiny dude, it made sense to go on a bulk. I've been eating fairly clean counting calories throughout the day.

    But I drink a LOT of milk. It's literally my go-to drink when at home. I can suck down a gallon of 2% in 2-3 days. Late in the night I'll get up and just pour a giant glass of milk sometimes more then once. I have a feeling I'm going way over my needed caloric intake because of this. :( I say this because I jumped like 4lbs which is weird since I've never jumped that high over the course of a couple days. Usually just fluctuates around 1-2lbs

    My next question is what dumbbell exercise could replace the overhead barbell press? With my muscle imbalance it's tough with your standard 45lb bar.

    Yes, milk adds up QUICK. To answer your question though, check out Arnold Presses, or you can just do seated or standing overhead presses with dumbbells. Arnold Presses are awesome though :smile:

  10. That's just my own notation, but you got it right. Does the fit community usually just write it out like that? I'll do that.

    Nah, I'm pretty sure anyone would read it that way, I was just making sure, because that's impressive.:nicework:

    How do you guys deal with going to gym on those days you just feel completely drained?

    I have wrist issues in my right wrist and forearm. Slight tendinitis. flares up sometimes when doing squats and other exercises so I've went from going every other day on a 4 day work out. Is there a way to alleviate this? Because it's flaring up tonight and I don't want to make it worse by going in and lifting.

    Well, drained and injured are pretty different. Drained is pretty easy to handle, just put on a couple of songs that get your blood pumping, crank up the volume, take some preworkout (or other caffeine supplement), and visualize WHY you started doing this in the first place. Possibly check out some motivational videos on YouTube, there are tons of them.

    As far as your wrist goes, when I had a similar injury, a good friend of mine (physical therapist) told me to ice it for 20 minutes at a time at least three times a day, and to start an ibuprofen regimen (800 mg a day, to alleviate inflammation), all of this for 1-2 weeks (while resting the injury). However, if it feels to be on the mend and you need to lift, I'd recommend wrapping/taping it pretty well, especially if you'll be doing presses or any exercises that compress the wrist. I'm having to do the same thing now for a slight strain I received several months ago that is only now starting to flare up.

  11. Yeah, I think that's the commonly accepted terminology, I was just confuzled. To be pedantic, I could say that you bring your chin up in both movements, but you use more of the muscles associated with the "pull" muscles (such as your biceps) when you have your palms facing inward. Meh. Splitting hairs.

    Related, so that we can get off of semantics in a lifting/exercising thread, what's your favorite motion of this kind? I like chins cuz I'm better at them, but I think my favorite overall may be hammer grip pull-ups. Just feels like it hits a lot and is pretty low impact.

    Haha, that is EXACTLY why I used to get confused, because palms inward seems like much more of a "pull" in my mind. Pull-ups (palms away) are by far my favorite now, though. I realized a while back that the reason I used to prefer chin-ups is because they were easier for me (because of over-developed arms and under-developed back, which is criminal in the lifting world).

    I've been slamming the Stairmaster lately for cardio:


    This thing is brutal. When I first tried one a few years ago, I had it on 50 steps per min and made it maybe 5 minutes.

    Today, I started at 90 and worked up to 135 steps/min (which is practically a jog) - over the course of 31 minutes, did 200 flights of stairs without stopping. 4 miles of distance, finishing at 15 mets.

    Dragonforce, Nightwish, and Pendulum pumps me up :D

    Ugh. More power to you, I'm pretty sure this would kill me.

    Nice job, getting some good compound work done! Prepare to get hooked :)

    I'm up to 80-80-70-70 on my pushups, so I'm now tying two 10 lb weights on my back with a belt.

    Every other exercise I do is still mediocre or average. I'm ripping through my cardio but I appear too thin with weak pecs and still too much flab on the ab. I feel like a fitness enigma, but I'm happy that progress is evident even if my appearance hasn't caught up yet :grin:

    Do you mean you're doing two sets of 80 followed by two sets of 70, or this a program facet/terminology I'm unaware of?

  12. Who is considering updating to a New 3DS (most awful name ever)? I'm really on the fence. Gamestop's offer of trading in your old 3DS XL for a $100 credit toward a New 3DS XL is very tempting, I just find myself wondering how many games Nintendo will release that make good use of the new features (such as the c-stick nub) and how many games that will be exclusive to the new console (such as Xenoblade Chronicles). I wouldn't bother upgrading if I knew for sure it would only be a handful of titles. The other new features don't really matter to me, as it seems to boil down to a bit faster processing and more stable 3D (I haven't turned my 3D on in about half a year).

  13. @Soul Splint: That's funny, that's the opposite of the terminology I'm familiar with for pull-up/chin-up. Also, it's the opposite of my experience, more or less. I've always been much better at palms facing inward.

    Sooooooo, OCR, I mentioned that I wanted to become a personal trainer. A big part of that is becoming certified as such. There's a ton of certifications out there. Which one(s) do you recommend, if any?

    That is funny, because I used to think the same thing. However, it seems the general population disagrees with us: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chin-up

    As for certifications, it really boils down to looking at what kind of money you're willing to spend (on certification and re-certification), how often you're willing to recertify, how rigorous you want the testing to be, and how many hours of continuing education you're willing to put into the certification to maintain it. When I was considering it, I remember that ACE was pretty easily my first choice (not least of which because it's also one of the most widely-recognized), with NASM being second. This page gives a pretty good breakdown between some top choices: http://www.becomingatrainer.com/best-personal-trainer-certification/.

  14. BW+90lbs pull-up is alpha as hell, bro. Is that gonna be a pull-up (palms facing you) or a chin-up (palms facing out?) :)

    Alpha? Me? :-? Maybe someday...but yeah, these are on pull-ups (palms away). Funnily enough, I used to hate pull-ups and sort of tolerated chin-ups. Now I tolerate chin-ups and LOVE pull-ups. Knocked out 6 reps yesterday on my first set with a plate attached to me, so I think two plates should be doable by the end of the year.

    EDIT: Now that I really think about it, this goal might be a little low. I'll adjust it later if I need to (which would be AWESOME).

    Question to all: Trying to think of exercises I can do that put no weight on the lower spine (due to my disc injury) or actually pull upwards on the spine. For example, instead of OHP, lat pulldown. Instead of standing barbell or dumbbell curls, preacher curls. Can you guys help me think of other exercises?

    Are you looking for all exercises, or exercises for particular muscle groups, here?

    What are your thoughts on HIIT/Tabata regimen? I need to get back into shape after slacking off over the winter break.

    I'm aiming to get back into condition for semi-competitive swimming, and I'm wondering if HIIT/Tabata would be a good supplemental routine.

    HIIT/Tabata is KING for conditioning while actually stimulating muscle growth, whereas steady-state/long-term cardio can hamper muscle growth. Make sure you adjust your calories to keep burning/adding and then tear up some interval training. I'll be getting back into HIIT sprints myself once it warms up a bit.

  15. Solid goals, zirc and RFB. Let's keep the thread updated with significant progress toward these goals and especially when we hit them.

    @Mocking, I've heard great things about Convict Conditioning but have never tried the program. RFB speaks the truth when he says you don't need a gym to get lean and mean. Keep us posted on the program if you try it!

    @Halt, the closest thing to leg curls would probably be what RFB suggested in using a cable machine. If that's not an option, good mornings are great for hamstring work. And if you want a very challenging option that works more than just the hamstrings (though it definitely hammers the hammies hard) give hack squats a shot.

  16. Yup.


    3.6 million pounds lifted (9 blue whales, according to Fito), 6 badges, 11 quests, and exactly 100 personal records broken :-) Also submitted my goals for 2015, which are as follows:

    I want to be able to perform low reps (1-3 reps) on these exercises for these weights:

    Bench Press: 280 pounds

    Squat: 320 pounds

    Pullups: bodyweight + 90 pounds

    Deadlift: 370 pounds

    Overhead Press: 190 pounds

    And I also want to weigh at least 210 pounds (currently 195) with a bodyfat of 15% or less by the end of the year. Aiming high on a couple of these goals, but I still think they are achievable.

  17. BTW, I ended up choosing push jerks for my explosive lift, based largely off of some of the horror stories I heard from a trainer at the gym about injuries she had seen from power cleans. I never really liked those guys anyway.

    Truth. With power cleans, either make sure your form is perfect, or go ahead and pick out what color body cast you want. Push jerks seem like a good alternative.


    I'd say with something like that going on, you're probably right to avoid compound exercises that can put you in potentially dangerous situations. Can't say I've ever experience a feeling you're describing, though (not counting normal fatigue due to lifting). Sounds like something a knowledgable physical therapist might be able to help with.

    Guys, I just had a horrible thought. You need to give your muscles time to rebuild in order for them to rebuild between workouts right? I have never done this. How long should I wait between?

    A resounding YES. Size and strength gains occur while the muscle repairs. For light-moderate lifting, I'd give myself a minimum of one day off for those muscles trained (i.e. train Monday, skip Tuesday, train Wednesday). For heavy lifting, a minimum of two days off. I stagger my sessions during the week so that I train different muscle groups, because I hate skipping days during the week. Then the weekend is for complete rest, no training.

  18. i wouldn't worry about it too much, that sort of thing is pretty rare. There is one where some lady ran 75 miles on a treadmill in 10 minutes. XD

    Eh, I'm not worried about it for me. I'm worried about the newbie who benches 135 for three cleans reps and feels good and motivated about himself, then sees something like this that totally deflates and discourages him. But you're right, it is thankfully pretty rare on Fito.

  19. Spread over the day, and if he were on gear maybe.

    I wouldn't even buy it then. After doing all that benching, which in of itself would be a very good chest workout for the day (and I still maintain he couldn't do that weight for those reps if at all, ESPECIALLY on close-grip), he did:

    1500 pushups (including 500 diamond pushups. Just...no. Not happening).

    245 chest dips

    400 tricep dips (note the order: he did a set of 100, then 75, then 50, then 75, then 100? Wat?)

    500 reps of prayer presses with the thickest standard industry band

    And a crap-ton of HEAVY accessory work.

    Just not buying it, no matter the circumstances. Pretty sure Arnold would look at this and laugh.

  20. Man, this kind of stuff makes me so angry. Not because this guy is claiming to have done this stuff or because of the 12k point workout, but because there are undoubtedly people very new to lifting who see this and believe it, and think to themselves, "Geez, I'll never be able to achieve that. What's the point of trying?"

    I came across this guy's feed and he is of very average-looking build. I would be very impressed if he were able to legitimately bench 275 for three correct reps, given his size appearance. But look at what he claims he did in one training session:

    Barbell Bench Press

    135 lb x 25 reps

    225 lb x 15 reps

    275 lb x 10 reps

    325 lb x 5 reps

    225 lb x 10 reps

    Wide-Grip Barbell Bench Press

    135 lb x 25 reps

    225 lb x 15 reps

    275 lb x 10 reps

    325 lb x 5 reps

    225 lb x 10 reps

    Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press

    135 lb x 25 reps

    225 lb x 15 reps

    275 lb x 10 reps

    325 lb x 5 reps

    225 lb x 10 reps


    100 reps

    100 reps

    100 reps

    100 reps

    100 reps

    Wide Arm Push-Up

    100 reps

    100 reps

    100 reps

    100 reps

    100 reps

    Diamond Push-Up

    100 reps

    100 reps

    100 reps

    100 reps

    100 reps

    Bent-Arm Dumbbell Pullover

    75 lb x 13 reps

    75 lb x 11 reps

    75 lb x 9 reps

    75 lb x 11 reps

    75 lb x 13 reps

    Lying Barbell Triceps Extension

    75 lb x 11 reps

    75 lb x 9 reps

    85 lb x 7 reps

    95 lb x 5 reps

    105 lb x 3 reps

    Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension

    35 lb x 11 reps

    35 lb x 9 reps

    35 lb x 7 reps

    35 lb x 5 reps

    50 lb x 3 reps

    Dips - Chest Version

    50 reps

    45 reps

    40 reps

    35 reps

    30 reps

    25 reps

    20 reps

    Dips - Triceps Version

    100 reps

    75 reps

    50 reps

    75 reps

    100 reps

    Weighted Russian Twist

    10 lb x 25 reps

    10 lb x 25 reps

    10 lb x 25 reps

    10 lb x 25 reps

    10 lb x 25 reps

    Band-Resisted Prayer Press

    100 reps | 1 and 3/4-inch band

    100 reps | 1 and 3/4-inch band

    100 reps | 1 and 3/4-inch band

    100 reps | 1 and 3/4-inch band

    100 reps | 1 and 3/4-inch band

    Weighted Decline Sit-Up

    25 lb x 35 reps

    25 lb x 35 reps

    35 lb x 25 reps

    35 lb x 25 reps

    45 lb x 15 reps

    Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment

    100 lb x 15 reps

    100 lb x 15 reps

    100 lb x 15 reps

    100 lb x 15 reps

    100 lb x 15 reps

    Tricep Dumbbell Kickback

    35 lb x 13 reps

    35 lb x 11 reps

    35 lb x 9 reps

    50 lb x 7 reps

    50 lb x 5 reps

    Incline Dumbbell Flyes

    50 lb x 13 reps

    50 lb x 13 reps

    50 lb x 13 reps

    50 lb x 13 reps

    50 lb x 13 reps

    I'm not going to waste time pointing out the dozen or so ways this is not possible…but it just burns me up knowing how disheartening it must be to the novices who see stuff like this and believe it.

    Sorry, rant over.

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