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Soul Splint

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Posts posted by Soul Splint

  1. By the way, going back in time, but how did folks like Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon? I really liked the original game on Gamecube, but I'm curious how the sequel holds up.

    I sold mine after playing through it once. It was good, but my hopes were way higher for it. Rather than one big mansion that you find your way through unsegmented, there are five mansions, and each is broken up into missions, with no way to save DURING a mission (I really disliked this). You have to complete each mission to save. Plus, gathering the cash, gold and gems was kind of fun, but felt pretty pointless in the end. Also a downside, if you miss something in a mission that you wanted to grab, you have to start that mission over, rather than just going back to that area, because many areas are played through multiple times during different missions, and there will often be different things to find in the same or similar locations.

    I know it got great reviews, it just fell short for me. I would try to rent it or borrow it from someone before buying it.

  2. stuff

    Dayum, that looks tasty. Ten pounds in one day is pretty up there. Weight does fluctuate, yeah, but it's always awesome when you see a big increase/decrease in the direction you're looking for. Especially if it's been sitting stagnant for a week or two, then all of a sudden, BOOM. Nice work brah :nicework:

    I'm officially* below 12% bf finally, I was hovering around 12.2 for a couple of weeks. Goal is to get below 10 by May; gonna have to up my sprints a bit more, methinks.

    *According to my scale, which I still think has me a hair higher than I really am.

    By the way, if any of you have a sweet tooth, I found a pretty awesome recipe for fudge that I'm still tweaking, but here's the gist of it: (Makes 10-12 servings)

    4 tbsp coconut butter

    4 tbsp butter

    1 or 2 tbsp honey

    Combine these in a small saucepan and melt them together, stir. Remove pot from heat and add:

    A little less than half a cup of almond milk (I used unsweetened vanilla)

    4 tsp. cocoa powder

    3-4 scoops protein powder (I used vanilla ON Pro Complex).

    Vanilla extract if you want.

    Pinch of salt if you want.

    Whisk together, should be fairly thick.

    Spoon into greased muffin pan (or ice cube tray, or whatever you want)

    Pop into freezer for at least 3-4 hours. Or eat with spoon, use as icing, put on strawberries, etc. Really thick, so you can use it several ways.

    Here's the part I'm still trying to perfect; the fudge is a bit hard to chew when it comes out of the freezer, but it melts super-quick. So perhaps pop it out of the mold and let it sit for a few minutes, then enjoy. Lots of good fat and minimal sugar, and high protein. Booyah. I'm about to experiment with this and adding some natural peanut butter.

  3. Nah, that seems good.

    I think my expectations are a little high of myself right now, and it's just like improving at anything; if you are focused on the improvement itself, it is hard to see how far you have come because you are always looking forward.

    Yup. My wife came across a picture of me from a couple of years ago with my shirt off, and I was like "Where?! Where is it?! I need to see it!" Just so I can compare it with where I am, and have BRIEF satisfaction.

    Then it's all, "Well, look how far I came, now imagine how much further I can go."

  4. I'll be getting to HIIT sprints in a month or so when the weather isn't being a butt.

    I just began HIIT sprints again last night. Kicked. My. Ass.

    We're focusing on muscle building exclusively. The trainer knows his stuff, I think. He's like 55 and built like a tank, benches 500+, squats 600+. It's nuts. He has a simple philosophy that if you want to get strong, there aren't shortcuts. Lift heavy stuff. And that's perfect for me. After the first two sessions I was completely sore all over, but it felt great, and that's what I want - to be put through the ringer by someone else! I'm actually *looking forward* to future sessions. I can hardly believe it.

    So much win. I would definitely trust someone that age with those kinds of numbers.

    I've started seeing a personal trainer recently and he's started working with me on to develop a stronger and more balanced body. I have a long way to go but it's nice to have someone to answer to other than myself when it comes to exercise.

    That's what it's about, is finding what works for you. I cannot stand it when someone makes blanket statements such as, "A personal trainer is a waste of money." Not to some people. Find what motivates you and hold tight to it. Trust me though - the 'long way to go' mentality will NEVER LEAVE YOU.

  5. Argle speaks the truth, my near-miss rotator injury scared the crap out of me (three months to heal, can still feel it some days).

    My goals are going pretty well. Progressing on nearly every lift, though my cut is finally starting to inhibit that. I'm down to about 12% (according to my scale; I suspect I'm actually at about 11). I want to drop at least another two points by May, slow and steady to keep the gainz.

    I am SO CLOSE to OHP'ing one plate for 8 reps (140 pounds, my goal for at least six months). I just met my other big goal of hitting 8 chin-ups at plus 25 lbs. though, so that was pretty sweet :)

  6. OK, I'm sorely in need of changing up my routine. I've stopped exercising regularly due to a relapse of depression as well as boredom with my old routine. I need to start back up again.

    Now that you've gotten into the swing of things a bit, I would also recommend starting to split your training up. At minimum, at least try an upper/lower split, i.e. upper body one day then legs the next, rest, repeat. Better would be to isolate some muscle groups for certain days as it looks like you won't have access to equipment for heavy compound lifts, although you can do a lot with dumbbells.

    If you can get some minimal equipment, like some dumbbells and resistance bands as you mentioned, we can really pitch in with some ideas for mixing it up to keep it interesting and keep you growing/shrinking in all the right places. Don't get me wrong, there are tons of variations on bodyweight exercises, but your interests seem to lie elsewhere (as mine do).

  7. That awesome, awesome, AWESOME feeling when someone you haven't seen for about a month looks at your torso before looking at your face and says, "You've gotten bigger."

    That's it, this day is a wrap. Nothing more to see here; victory was achieved.

    On a separate note, I got a kick-ass workout hoodie that I need to get a pic of and post on here. I'm a firm believer that the more badass you feel in the gym, the more badass you will train. And I feel all kinds of badass in this thing.

    How's the shoulder, Argle? If you happen to be in the middle to eastern U.S. I imagine the cold isn't doing you any favors.

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