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Native Dialect

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Everything posted by Native Dialect

  1. This is real clean. Nothing interpretive, just a straight arrangement of the instrumentation. I'm diggin it. If you have no luck here, give it a shot at www.vgmix.com Their basis for posting remixes is based on fan reaction rather than a judges reaction. And they are a bit less stringnet. Though honestly, I can't imagine why OC Remix would reject this. They have hardly any fighting game remixes, let alone those from Virtua Fighter. And this is hella clean. Real talk...
  2. The original down tempo section where the song slows its pace (drops the bassline), included the harmony that is instead placed at 2:53. I had intended to really carry the song in a different direction from there and then come back to the original melody. But I was having trouble getting the kind of end note I wanted for that instrument (it stops abruptly, which is why I put it at the end of the song, where I could fade out the entire track). Perhaps when I am more savvy with Reason i'll rework this song. As for the bass and drums, neither of those instruments have reverb on them. IN fact there was very little effects processing in this track. During the down tempo part, there is an instrument that pumps and pans. That is the only instrument that has any effects processors on it. As for more variation, i'll work on that. But I feel that my musical background is a contributor to my style. Though rock is my favorite genre, I did spend most of my youth listening to hip hop. It tends to be very repetitious with most of the emphasis placed on the drum and bassline. I still take many of my cues from that style of production. "Whoop That Trick" is probably a prime example of modern hip hop production. Only one mode of polyphony exists in the track (bass, drums, synth, horns). The variation only comes from dropping and reintroducing the same instruments at various points. I suppose it is a style better lent to something with vocals than something purely instrumental.
  3. Problem Solved. There are now three ways to obtain the track. Though it is worth noting that all, except the Myspace route, provide a compressed track. The original mp3 I made is 320kbps, but sadly, Tindeck compressed it down to half of that.
  4. I have explored the sounds of various genres. Rock, Jazz, Hip Hop, RnB, "Neo-Soul" etc. From each of them I have learned something about the creation of music. This exploration of sound has led me to my first serious effort that strays from video game remixes and any other previous song I have done in the past. I am not sure how to classify it, but It is a sound I feel I reached through serendipity. Therefore I consider this to be my sound. For your listening consideration, I give you... Omega Genesis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzrI0W-YHV4 http://www.myspace.com/thenativedialect
  5. I have no problem with helpful comments. And I appreciate most of your comments because you have listened to most of my posted work. What I do find irksome however is being told i'm missing all kinds of elements, when the very first thing my initial post mentions, is the absence of the expected jazz elements. I am then told that my mix is a failure, even though I clearly stated that it is unfinished. Add several similar posts and one can begin to see my frustrations. Especially when I clearly asked for help from any individual who has a better computer than I do. I plan to finish this song. It will just have to be with outside help. But again, I do appreciate the insight, for what it's worth...
  6. Fruity Loops is just possible to work with, but I use Reason 3.0 myself. As it were however, I regularly maintain my computer. My hard drives are defragmented. My tasks are at a minimum. I will have nothing running in the background that is not a necessary process, and I still get the same end result. Reason ceases operation and presents the message as shown in the photo (that really is a picture of my desktop. And yes I am aware of most of the idiosyncracies of jazz music, which are absent from this mix, but that is not because I did not want to include them. I literally lack the physical power within my computer system, to add anything. I can't even additional sequencing for my existing instsruments. This is why I really hoped to receive some help from a user who has a superior machine. Instead I am finding an overwhelming negative sentiment about what the song should be, even though there is a glaring problem that prevents me from taking personal action. Hence why I turned to these forums for outside help. But no need to worry. I already spoke to my collaborator. He is going to step in and do what he can for the rest of this mix. I'll keep you all posted on how that turns out.
  7. I did not imagine that the concept would be this difficult to grasp, considering I outlined the problem from the start. But here is a picture. Sometimes a visual aid helps where words fail. That is a print screen of my desktop. Now the song as you hear it, is a general melody, minimal and nigh existent harmony, and a few initial drum loops. You can even see that the drum machines are left without any effects processor to add "meat" to the sound. I always start my production off with segments that can be looped (visible when you view my sequencer). I then go back later and add or subtract from the loops. This is similar to the two methods of sculpting (adding and taking away). Now, the above image is when I added a basic guitar instrument to the mixer. I attempted to sequence a harmony and the above result occured. That means that the song is unmanigable from this point, on my machine. That is exactly why I asked for help from anyone who uses Fruity Loops or Reason in particular. It is an unfinished song. I don't see how that part is difficult to grasp. This isn't an arrangement. It's an unfinished track that I was hoping to get some help with, given my situation. I don't know how to make that any more clear honestly. There is so much that I would like to do and should be done, but can not be done. I repeat, my computer can no longer handle arranging this song.
  8. Actually, if I had the man power, I would do something that off the wall. Why not have a full choir sing that famous line? And I agree. This would stand no chance of getting by the judges. I could attempt to put it into MIDI form and put it on VG Music though.
  9. I'm not sure you actually read the entire post. My computer is not able to handle any additional instruments or effects processors. Reason 3.0 literally will not run or respond with any additional input. I could not continue from where I left off, so I just left it open ended and repeating. The point is, I already said this is an unfinished song and that I was seeking help. Your disappointment is understandable but you must realize that it was addressed before you even formed the thoughts for your post. As for the other elements of the original song, I prefer not to work with covers. I tend to abandon most of the smaller ideas of an original piece, only claiming the main part and infusing it with my own ideas. This has been the case with my Ibuki, Elena and Chun Li remix (all of which are on my myspace at http://www.myspace.com/thenativedialect). The only straight covers i've ever done were Jazzy NYC and The Street Fighter Bonus Round music. It is quirky, but it is my style. I prefer to lead things my own way. So if you are able to contribute to my solution and lend a hand, then I appreciate it. Otherwise, thank you for listening.
  10. Indeed I have received very many requests to host things on Tindeck Audio. I do try to make my tracks available for download (at least initially) in the hopes that the download will be uncompressed. But i'll take note of using alternative sources for my next remix post.
  11. I never knew myspace compressed audio. Then again it does use some form of a flash/java player. So I guess that would make sense. I'll see if I can EQ it to where it can surpass such audio limitations.
  12. I don't know how recently you listened to the Genesis or SNES version of this tune my friend, but you may be disappointed when you hear them again. My violins are a far cry from what the Genesis synthesizer or the SNES Sony chip could put out. Here is the Genesis version that I listened to while making this track http://youtube.com/watch?v=QV0HIHc6doU Here is the SNES version, which inspired the violin aspects. http://youtube.com/watch?v=3QdFd26ZfNc I wouldn't call my violins exactly lo-fi, but upon giving the song another listen, I understand and acknowledge your grievance. I believe my problem is my EQing. I had to reach a compromise. My bass line (which is three distinctly EQ'd bass riffs layered together) and part of my drum line, were causing unintentional pumping throughout the track. The only means I had of dealing with it, was to choose a mastering suite that compressed the audio overall and created a better soundscape. The old sound is undesired and unintentional, but I found it to be better than having the bass line creating pumping that I didn't want. I'll see what I can do about that however. I have yet to try lowering the bass on the bass riffs. Thank you for the commentary and for listening. Hopefully I can rework it to be a more pleasing listen.
  13. Thank you for the commentary and the listening. Which drums were you concerned about? The hip hop percussion or the African percussion for the source part of the song? EQing either to sound a little more hearty/meaty will be no problem. Also, I liked the African vocal chant as well. It took a great deal of searching to find it, but it paid off. I'll work on creating a new chord progression to help give the song a little more variation.
  14. In case people prefer a visual aid, you can also watch the Youtube video of it...here... http://youtube.com/watch?v=HKCgTOgYwlk But I warn you, the quality isn't as nice for that one as the one on my Myspace. If anyone wants to download it ahead of time, let me know and I'll set up my myspace to allow downloads of the track for a temporary period of time. This song is for a 20th Anniversary Tribute Album to Street Fighter that I and several artists are working on. So I don't want to derail that goal by letting too many people download the tracks before the finalized version of the songs are up for download. Any constructive feedback is welcome. And thank you for listening.
  15. Well now I have a reason why I don't change synths. I never said much about it, but it reminded me of the lead from Chun Li's Street Fighter II theme. To keep with that, I actually remixed my own track. You can hear it here... http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZnO7P2nIArc Or if you prefer you can still go to http://www.myspace.com/thenativedialect and listen to it uncompressed. It is the second track on the list. I'll tell you now that the new mix includes a modified Sitar (sounds more like a Pipa). If you want to hear the new stuff, just skip to 2:10. That is where I switch things up...
  16. Well with new listens and downloads but no feedback, i'm assuming I can call this one complete?
  17. I was able to finally modify the Sitar to sound like a Pipa. I was very absent minded of the fact that it is a Combinator patch (it combines synthesizers and effects patches, into one instrument), so I was able to modify the settings of the Combinators personal rack. So we now have a much more harmonious sound to accompany the rest of the soothing mix. I still could not find a lead synth that felt right to me. So I will see what I can do about tweaking it with effects. And on a side note 1)I'm very well aware of Po because of their excellent Breath of Fire Watermelon track. 2)I don't have Reason 4.0, so I do not have Thor 3)Thank you for the compliment about the mix. I'm doing my best.
  18. I'm still working on it. I've had some serious EQ issues with that track because of how it was recorded. But i'll see what I can work out for it. Until further notice, i'm taking it back down so that I can still work on it.
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