Hehe, this was fucking awesome. At first it sounded like something out of the opening of X-men the movie, then we go to a ramped up Metal Gear Solid theme, then into...oh holy @#$% this is Schala's theme!
I was seriously floored. I grabbed it simply cuz it said Chrono Trigger and it had a weird name (Lesser Kerubic...why can't I come up with seriously sweet names like this?). Then boom, ass connected with floor followed quite quickly by my jaw. So fucking sweet.
OK, rewind, let's start the song over. Can you see it? At first it's just a stately glide through the clouds...then you're plummeting in...darting left and right through teh clouds...fade as the sax kicks in to the title credits as the flick in Kingdom Hearts style all golden and shining...and at 1:47, you're out of those clouds you're suddenly flying around Zeal. Now at 2:34 you flit straigh to the palance and join Schala walking calmly through the palace as the Erhu (sp? whatever the ethnic instrument was) renders her theme with care. At 3:58, she pulls a door closed leaving you alone.
Ahem, back to reality. Sweet ass mix. Can I have more, PLEASEE!!!!!