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Posts posted by SoulinEther

  1. I realize this is not my call to make, and ulitmately, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it one way or the other, but the text just comes off as cheesy to me. The album has already been specifically created for Jordan under the circumstances of his health situation, so I personally prefer the subtle implication that Samus's outstretched hand has without need for any wording. I feel like the text is just redundant.

    I figured it would be a possibility, and that's why I included it right off.

    Still, mad props to dish for the nice sketch - I'm anticipating a final version now, lol.

  2. Well, uploading these finished ones. I probably could do more with it (well, actual skill and taste in art would help in improving this), but being on PST, I don't know when is best.

    Will update this post when they are done uploading with links and stuff, then will pm DS.

    Ok... so here we go.

    With cursive motivational text (big at http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l147/SoulinEther/bLiNd%20cover/blindcoverfinalbigcursive.jpg)


    With print motivational text (big at http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l147/SoulinEther/bLiNd%20cover/blindcoverfinalbigprint.jpg)


    No motivational text (at http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l147/SoulinEther/bLiNd%20cover/blindcoverfinalbignone.jpg)


  3. Well, I contacted dish, and he's going to get me the finished lineart / sketch / shaded / whatever-he-defines-as-completed drawing at somepoint. It should look a little more clean...

    I've added in the "Super Metroid" but there is a notable lack of tildes in the font I am using. Is it absolutely necessary to include it in the title? I can always just take it from another font.

  4. ok... here's my first attempt at a cover. Spent 4 hours in the GIMP, and if there's one thing I must say, IT DESPERATELY NEEDS FOLDERS FOR LAYERS. Seriously.

    There are some things i can modify, like the font, font size, anything, etc. And I can make a back probably by tomorrow, but not tonight, i'm too tired.


    or, the smaller in-forum preview.


  5. Congratulations. I may have to reject it.

    What if it's one of those odd remixes that end up going to a tie that requires djp to break?

    (psst, Pezman, just make sure your mix includes tons of awkward subliminal messages, including, but not necessarily including or limited to, "dave i want to bear your children," "dave is awesome," "pretzels are my favorite snacks," etc)

  6. I do hope, however, you understand that the limit for this competition is 3000 words, not characters... a 3000 character limit would be a tad ridiculous. If you're not aware and feel like extending your piece, feel free to edit your post any time before the submission deadline.

    Oh, indeed you are right. No, there's not much more on the subject that I care to write about.... yet. Probably won't. I don't want to walk down the path of what I was writing about any time soon.

    (where the hell did i get characters from? lol)

  7. Well, it has words, I wrote it tonight, tonight is before the first day of voting, it contains less than 3000 characters...

    Hopefully there's no need for it to be game related... anywho, I call it "The Banister". What, you don't suspect the banister? ...it's like the butterfly, nobody ever suspects it.

    The banister is collapsing again.

    What am I thinking? Banisters don't collapse. They stand there, stolidly, without regard for the person beholding it or beholden to it.

    But not this one. This one... it mocks me. It makes me feel insignificant. Somehow unworthy of its services. What services? It's an abomination – one of many horrendously hideous presences in this sad little dump we mournfully call our dwelling place; if anything, I should be glad that it's bowing down from its position as Useless Eye Sore #451. It's about time, too.

    Oh, wait. There is that other service a banister performs... what is it...

    Hold on. Why did the banister collapse? Think. No, don't think: look. It's time to snap out of your reverie.

    “Oh my God.”

    Why didn't I notice it sooner? Say, while it was happening? Something like this probably deserves my attention. You know, as it happens. Why was I so mortally consumed by that banister?

    Right, because it was what I had observed first, preceding the screaming and the falling.

    But that remains all it preceded. That, and an, “Oh my God.” Her body did a neat trick there, flipping over so sharply and smoothly... such swan-like grace... as her head collided with the 8th stair from the landing. That makes the fall 7 steps before that deafening thud. And then sweet, familiar, golden silence.

    I imagine that would break my neck too.

    And yet I'm still sitting here. I didn't call 911. I didn't scream, panic, ask if she's alright, check her pulse, call 911, perform CPR, her Last Rites.

    In fact, not only did I not do anything for my girlfriend, I had a burning desire to watch it all over again. My mind and memory could never do proper justice to such a scene. I practically stood up and cheered, shouted “Encore, encore!” as her riveting performance came to a conclusion nearly half an hour ago. Honest.

    And yet I am immune to that stench. I cannot remember what it is anymore. Something like rotting meat. That would make sense: there is that carcass sitting at the foot of the stairs. I find it quite satisfying. It feeds my hunger, relaxes my eyes, pleases my ears, and pleasures my fancy. Maybe I am not so immune to it after all. I need it.

    Yes, I need it, now, then, just like I needed it last year, and the year before, and this whole decade, century, millennium. Beyond that, I have lost count of the years, but I have needed it for as long as I can remember. Every week, it is the same movie showing in all the theaters of the Cranium 18. The same scene. The same scream. The same indifference. “Oh my God.” The same thrill. The same illogical banister that I once upon a time beheld, to which I now find myself completely beholden.

    It beats thinking about this eternally blazing abyss. Bliss.

    Wraps up quickly... but I'd like to think it is for a reason other than the 3000 character limit (i.e., it has rhetorical value).
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