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Posts posted by duckyboycantfly

  1. Why do you guys think presh is so great at sniping? He's explained his anti-lag thousands of times before...

    But it really sucks when you miss the shot, run away, then end up getting headshot behind a wall.

    Depending on my status on The Illiad, I may or maynot be back tonight. And finally, I have no clue when said debit card will be arriving, since I was told it would be mailed over a week ago, and it only takes 2-3 days to mail something to me. *Hurmph*

  2. that would be rockin

    if its a money thing tell him to contact me

    i require additional funds

    someone donate, i can't foot this month's bill yet

    He can barely afford this months bill, still on the private. If you want to donate atmuh, here you go

    And I think I'm not going to be on TF2 for a while. As was stated last night, I'm no longer able to log into my main computer, and am using a significantly lesser laptop now. The horrible lag + horrible framerate combined kills any chance of me dreaming of a headshot, let alone hitting anything. Then again, I guess I could always just play pyro now.


    (but once I'm back to playing, I think I'll finally get that reserved slot, but this probably won't be till roughly August 21st)

  3. We had a pair of guys who pretty much emptied the server (right before the restart) because they were blocking one of Red's spawn in 2fort and making all red players unable to open the doors.

    We finally got a votekick going around, and we managed to kick one of them...who immediately joined again. They both stayed, and came back AFTER the server restarted...and left when there were only 3 people left.


    I was wondering why there was nobody on last night.

    I think I found a better sniper than presh though. And, according to him, he was drunk too. Guy was fucking ridiculous.

  4. Not that I know of - it keeps it in TF2 only if the link to the stream is not a playlist file and it's embedded in the webpage. That's why I labeled the links I added that used a playlist file "pls file". The ones that came with the plugin initially I left there, and those use an embedded player in a webpage so those are fine.

    I get a 404 and then VLC opens up.

    Whatever, I just wanted to try it, and when I did, didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.

  5. Holy crap, ducky joined other forums!!

    I was actually there first. Been there for a while now.

    Like I said, I only joined here because of the server. This thread is enough to scare me away from the others.

    Other servers suck. I joined a random one while steel was up, head shot an entire team (I was playing defense), and half of them rage quit, yelling at me about hacks. Of course, it wasn't the fact then when they got to the cart, they crouched down to avoid me, but to the sides, so I had a wide open shot.

    Every time.

  6. Also, I have a question about reserved slots for people - upon a little more searching, if I'm reading right, it seems like Mani Mod supports reserved slots in the following fashion: if someone with a reserved slot joins to make it 24/24, then nobody gets kicked, but if someone leaves the game, then the reserved slot frees up again and only someone with a reserved slot can join.

    I hate this with a fiery passion. It's the main reason I'm getting a reserved slot, since I always see a 23/24, try to join, and can't. Nothing more frustrating than "woo slot open.... oh fuck"

    Custom maps can be fun. Stress on the can. RTV customs would be awesome, but once a rotation is fine enough for me.

    I guess I lied...

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