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Posts posted by duckyboycantfly

  1. It does disappoint me that our TF2 server sits idle while people actually join Atmuh's server.

    I hate playing on his server, because I have to constantly stop and Mute people to avoid going insane... and I've seen people (0ptik) kicked because they tried to talk while others were micspamming.

    Cry some more. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    People are just going where ever there are other people. Atmuh's server has generally two communities (this and remod) feeding into it, plus the commentor nights are just getting legendary. Get a group of your friends to join the ocr server, and maybe more people will join up. It might take a couple nights of trying, but eventually everyone will come on, and it'll be full.

    (i just have more fun on atmuhs cause i has adminsish~)

  2. Graphics mean nothing in video games. It's all about gameplay. No developers seem to understand this nowadays. Instead they make crappy games with flashy graphics like TF2 instead of quality games like TFC. I don't understand why everyone thinks like this. And noone has given me a counter example.


    I am lucky that i only have about 20 more days left of shitty tf2.

    hopefully I won't get to play on some shitty drama-filler server coming back.


    (then again micspam doesnt bother me, muting takes a second if it does, and i'm generally never a stickler for the rules. from what i've read, somebody joining then swiftly banning would probably piss me off to no ends. just my opinion, but i wasn't there, and that was probably a pretty one-sided account)

  3. I'd also be interested in getting the pre-game mayhem plugin (automatically enables friendly fire and instant respawn while waiting for players).

    This. Best part of a map change. Gets my carnal "lets put FF on" out of my system, and then I'm ready for some serious tf2in'.

    Hey xerol post more screencaps, those contribute nicely to the thread, and are incredibly interesting and insightful! I did not know a spy, sniper, or scout could do any of that, thank you!

  4. Oh, I probably should have said this. I'm back home, and since I still get about 30 fps when everything is on low and an 800x600 resolution, on top of a shitty connection, it makes playing this game annoying. Still a pretty good pyro tho icon_smarmy.gif. I should be back whenever school gets back in session, and I'll be back a lot more frequently since my course load for next semester is incredibly light.

    I'll try to make OCR saturdays as often as I'm making atmuh's arena awesome fridays (which, as the title suggest, are awesome, and commentated, and no micspam!), but there's no promises.

    Baha, I'll probably be sending my renewment for slot-reservation in january, when I get back to the university.

    Happy holidays everyone!

  5. I hope you have taken no offense by my standards. My intent is in no way the same as Atmuh's, I just want to play. It was opening night, and it was a great one with Rambo playing, the continuing of the shame that is bonzai, and other good stuff (like making [ZUZ]SeldonAtreides play the entire time with 0.0000 gravit)y. Plus I have admins, and learning the console is a pretty sweet feature. And, yes, it's sort of the new ReMod server, and I will always have a larger bond to them (mostly because this is the only thread I post in here, because I missed the "golden age" due to dial-up), so I'm sorry if I'm detracting from the community. But in the end it's just another place for this community to play, with a more laid-back tone and a bit more WACKY and ZANY.

    Pretty much, I'm in the same respects as Rambo. If there is people on, I'll play. If not, I'll probably lurk around in Atmuh's and mess around with admin stuff. lol internet drama~

    TL,DR; <3

  6. It should be a server event when Rambo starts playing. Also, I strongly believe, if at all possible, that there should be a gravity vote option for us lesser-whatever "admins" pay people...

    Also, everybody groans when Zahn comes. We all know the fun is over. But still, they (ZUZ) are incredibly competitive, and sniping with pavlvs reminds me of the good ole days with presh.

    But jesus christ bitching about medic chaining? I knew there was a reason why I never came to these boards. It's all in good fun people. Sure, sometimes things get one sided, but shit happens. Everyone knows ZUZ is funkillers, (minus wish, I find him to be a pretty okay guy, and of course baha~), but bitching about them is something else. And the day I start taking atmuh's opinion seriously is the day that I quit the internet.

    Also, I'm excited for atmuh's "fuck OCR and ReMod's server" server.

  7. Edit: The second graph says it's a percent, but it looks like they forgot to multiply by 100... either that or there are some really lousy snipers and spies out there to bring the Sniper rifle and Knife crit numbers down.

    I can say as a sniper for the most part, that I don't recall getting crits too often. Actually, now that I think about it, the only time I usually see a "Critical Hit" mark is when I miss the persons' head. So in essence, crits can suck for a sniper (especially when dealing with a heavy, since a critical hit to them still needs a powerful second shot to take them out, yet by that time a medic has usually brought them back to full health...).

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