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Everything posted by bonzai!

  1. 8 HOURS *cracksthewhip* oh my goodness i am so excited i can hardly contain my joy
  2. FIVE. IT'S GLORIOUS. Keep them coming!
  3. Yes! This is correct I will try to get the entries up sometime on Monday the 23rd, and then the voting will commence! Entries will be anonymous during voting.
  4. FINAL FANTASY CHRISTMAS ENTRIES hideousbeing bonzai nyuura
  5. Oh! I just remembered, I'm on the West Coast, guys! Well...that sounds stupid, but the point I'm trying to make is that the deadline is midnight PST, so that'll give you East Coasters a little bit of wiggle room.
  6. FINAL FANTASY CHRISTMAS ENTRIES WILL BE POSTED WEDNESDAY I have 2! Sooooo IF YOU SUCKERS DID ONE, PM IT TO ME BEFORE WEDNESDAY. OR IF YOU HAVE SOME TIME TO KILL IN BETWEEN NOW AND WEDNESDAY, DOODLE SOMETHING. Figured I'd post them this week instead of holding out for anymore, plus it'll give us some delicious arts before the "ughhh i'm just starting my femme fatale entry and the deadline is in 3 minutes" comments start pouring in. I'm looking at YOU.
  7. It was nice to see the server busy this weekend. WARMS MY HEART.
  8. Yessss, first submission is in! How exciting ALSO, FINAL FANTASY CHRISTMAS ENTRIES. I've only gotten one so far! What's up guys, I was sure more people had done something. And I was wondering if people feel like the contest needs "incentive." Is there a serious need for motivation to compete? As truly fabulous as these Rambo pictures are (btw, those bonzai pictures will NEVER see the light of day), do people have suggestions of what kinds of things we could offer as prizes if they really are needed?
  9. damnit relyanCe, I'm already giving you "FEMME FATALES...for relyanCe's birthday" as the theme for this month!! > ....... I will kill you. And then you will be dead to me. Because I will have SLAUGHTERED you.
  10. Okay guys, I have in my possession several compromising pictures of our very own Rambo that I can offer as prizes. I have a variety of options to choose from: "Rambo pretending to be a peacock," "Rambo eating pancakes," and, considering that I heard a good portion of our contestants are female, I have "Rambo with his pants coming off." Rawrrrr. Let me tell you ladies, he's a beast.
  11. Yesss, I am also prepared for some bending of the rules. But considering the possibilities of this month's theme, I'll be very flexible (also, I AM the person who submitted a very glowy very possibly nude Esper Terra pic previously). I've heard some awesome ideas for entries so far and I AM JEALOUS THEY ARE NOT MY IDEAS. IN CONCLUSION, I've only gotten one Final Fantasy Christmas entry so far. I'm wondering if anyone else had entries they wanted to send meeee. bump bu-bump bump bump
  12. YES. Andddd I am definitely dropping in on this class sometime soon. I've heard it's going to be PACKED.
  13. the new theme is now "FEMME FATALES...for relyanCe's birthday" ummmm, I always like to take a loose interpretation of the theme, but I suppose it's really up to Nyuura. MY ONLY REQUIREMENT IS THAT THEY ARE BADASS. WHICH IS HAWT. AND YES. If you did do a December Christmas Final Fantasy Extravaganza entry, please PM it to me! I'm sure we'd all love to see them. And hey, for all of you who missed the December competition, I definitely think that Tifa in that red bow would work just as well for this month.
  14. February's thread is uppppp. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=20790 ALSO BEFORE I FORGET, people who actually did December entries, would you like to PM them to me? I'm sure we'd all love to see what people did. And hey, for all of you who missed the December competition, I definitely think that Tifa in that red bow would work just as well for the new competition.
  15. RESULTS ARE IN FAC 21 Theme: FEMME FATALES Welcome to the super sexy February 2009 edition of OCR's "official" Fan Art Competition (FAC)! A few months late, but as winner of November's FAC, Nyuura gets to choose the theme for this month's competition. Let's draw chicks who are badass in some way. -Nyuura HAWT. Since this month is so short, try to PM your entries to me by FEBRUARY 22nd. -------------------------- RESULTS guys, I feel like a giant douchebag, but I won the competition... IT WAS SO CLOSE THOUGH, there were CRAZY GOOD entries this month, and I'm so thrilled that we had so many new people. Number 1 - Nyuura, Witch --- 8 Number 2 - Rambo, Marle, Ayla and Lucca --- 10 Number 3 - Ceracryst, Sakura --- 17 Number 4 - Dhsu, Ms. Pacman --- 1 Number 5 - Wolt, Reisz --- 23 Number 6 - piendry, Joanna Dark --- 5 Number 7 - bonzai, Pyro --- 27 Number 8 - olie!, Morrigan --- 5 Number 9 - Chiral, Aya Brea --- 18 Number 10 - Ninja-san, Julie --- 3 Number 11 - Toadofsky, Pokemon --- 2 Number 12 - friendlyHunter, Chunli --- 1 -------------------------- Here are the entries! Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Number 4 Number 5 Number 6 Number 7 Number 8 Number 9 Number 10 Number 11 Number 12 PM your votes to me by FEBRUARY 27. How does voting work? You vote for your three favorite entries, from first to third. These entries are given points based on the order in which you voted for them in. For example, 1st. Rambo 2nd. bonzai 3rd. Nyuura In this case, Rambo would get 3 points, bonzai would get 2, and Nyuura would get 1 (although Nyuura gets three most of the time). -------------------------- If your unfamiliar with the FAC, here is some interesting reading material. FAQ What is the Fan Art Competition? The Fan Art Competition is a monthly event where artists create some form of art based on a certain theme. What is the theme? The theme is decided by the winner of the previous months competition (most of the time) and must be video game related. Who can submit art? Anyone. What are my restrictions? You are allowed to submit one entry, but other than that there are no restrictions. There are no size, quality, image size restrictions. Who decides the winner? The OCR community. Anyone who wants to vote, can vote. How does voting work? You vote for your three favorite entries, from first to third. These entries are given points based on the order in which you voted for them in. For example, 1st. Rambo 2nd. bonzai 3rd. Nyuura In this case, Rambo would get 3 points, bonzai would get 2, and Nyuura would get 1 (although Nyuura gets three most of the time). When and how do we see the results? After the voting period is over, I'll announce the winner and show the tallied scores for all entries. If I enter the contest can I vote? Yes, and voting for yourself is allowed if you really want to. Rules and Regulations! 1) Any art submitted must be based off of the months theme. 2) No nudity. 3) Your entry must be created within the month. It cannot have been something you've created in the past or partially finished prior to the announcement of the theme. 4) All entries must be 100% your work. Simply altering something created by someone else may be cool, but is not allowed as an entry. DEADLINE! PM me all entries by FEBRUARY 22nd! -------------------------- Support this competition by wearing one of these fancy sig things, or make one of your own -
  16. Hey guys, since February is such a short month already, I'll try to get up the February FAC thread later today. Nyuura has an AWESOME theme for it, I'm pretty psyched. Also, is there anything about the competition that you've had problems with, or wanted to change? Any suggestions for improvements? Um um um, did you like how Bleck kept the entries anonymous, or did you like knowing who did each entry so you could give props to the right person.
  17. if no one else wants to, I'd be happy to run the competition. I'm pretty boring, unassuming, and i don't have a problem with "the man." soooo, I probably wouldn't get banned (unless the power goes to my head).
  18. what is happening what is happening what is happening january is almost over! is anything going to happen with the FF Christmas special? i would love to see the comp up and running again for february at least. Also SHUT YO FACE
  19. I AM STILL INTERESTED IN THIS COMPETITION december and january have just been very busy for me :3 rawr but i'd hate to see this competition dieeee
  20. Question: Deadline?
  21. True dat. "Cloud, do you want to open your present, or should I?" Bow chicka wow wow
  22. I'm going to literally punch you in the face.
  23. I've successfully broken my computer again, so I won't be playing TF2 for a while SADFACE That being said, everyone should harass Rambo to play again since the 2 week waiting period from his last time on is now over.
  24. I agree with this statement.
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