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Everything posted by bonzai!

  1. when i visited, it said something about saxton hale and dumbledore :/ ...now it says /everyone/backstabbed/dumbledore/ D:
  2. hell yeah you did KEEP THEM COMING PEOPLE Deadline is this Sunday!!!
  3. i doubt this is a surprise, but there are bunches of competitive players using alternate accounts to get into the highlander event. yaaaay for encouraging new people to play competitively! :/
  4. hahahahahahaha oh btw, bump +1
  5. FAC 38 If this theme doesn't get us entries, I don't know what will.
  6. RESULTS ARE IN!!! FAC 38 Theme: Video Game Babes Welcome to the August 2010 edition of the Fan Art Competition (FAC)! As winner of last month's competition, metalsnakejuice gets to choose the theme! "Okay lets me see... How about draw your favorite video game babe? Should be interesting to see what people do xD" --metalsnakejuice PM your entries to me by SUNDAY, AUGUST 29th. -------------------------- AND THE WINNER IS.........................PIENDRY!!! congratulations to all our participants, this was a really great month! Number One - Sindra -- 5 Number Two - Emperor Charlemagne -- 4 Number Three - piendry -- 11 Number Four - Aeronaut -- 2 Number Five - relyanCe -- 4 Number Six - bonzai! -- 10 Number Seven - metalsnakejuice -- 6 -------------------------- Here are the entries! Yay for entries!!! Number One Number Two Number Three Number Four Number Five Number Six Number Seven Please PM your top 3 picks to me by FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd. -------------------------- List of Previous Competitions FAC 37: Squeenix FAC 36: Boss Month FAC 35: Body Swap FAC 34: Role Reversal FAC 33: Free For All FAC 32: Revamped FAC 31: Video Game Remix Art FAC 30: Steam Punk FAC 29: WTF FAC 28: Sega vs. Nintendo FAC 27: Panzer Dragoon Series FAC 26: Marvel vs. Capcom FAC 25: Blizzard Games FAC 24: LucasArts Adventure Games FAC 23: Heroes as Villains FAC 22: Creatures FAC 21: Femme Fatales FAC 20: A Final Fantasy Christmas FAC 19: Ultimate Power FAC 18: Sidekicks FAC 17: Mecha FAC 16: Zombies FAC 15: Weapons FAC 14: Boss Month FAC 14: Chrono Series FAC 13: Konami FAC 12: Super Mario Bros. FAC 11: Phoenix Wright FAC 10: Castlevania FAC 9: Metroid FAC 8: Pokemon FAC 7: Ico/Shadow of the Colossus FAC 6: Final Fantasy VI FAC 5: Warioware FAC 4: Mega Man FAC 3: Zelda FAC 2: Skies of Arcadia FAC 1: Mana images from FAC 3 to FAC 10 Photobucket Albums from FAC 20 to present -------------------------- DEADLINES! PM your entries to me by SUNDAY, AUGUST 29th. Please PM your top 3 picks to me by FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd. -------------------------- Support this competition by wearing one of these fancy sig things, or make one of your own -
  7. Excuse me, but that is unrelated to the topic of this thread. You can go post that elsewhere RAMBO.
  8. posted the winning entry, and may i say ADORABLE stay tuned for next month's theme AND YOU BETTER DO IT. I AM LOOKING AT YOU.
  9. a friendly reminder that today is the last day to submit entries!
  10. bumping the threadddd only a little less than a week left!
  11. showing the thread some love *bump*
  13. NO VOTING RESULT IS IN FAC 37 Theme: Squeenix Month Welcome to the July 2010 edition of the Fan Art Competition (FAC)! As winner of last month's competition, relyanCe gets to choose the theme! "let's see... how about... SQUEENIX MONTH! any and all characters/concepts/stuff ever done by Squaresoft, Enix, and their merger. over and out!" -rely PM your entries to me by SUNDAY, JULY 25th. (btw, thank you thank you for not going with that other theme idea, relyanCe. i would have died if i had to host a competition for that D:) -------------------------- and the winner is..................................METALSNAKEJUICE! Winning Entry Congratulations! -------------------------- List of Previous Competitions FAC 36: Boss Month FAC 35: Body Swap FAC 34: Role Reversal FAC 33: Free For All FAC 32: Revamped FAC 31: Video Game Remix Art FAC 30: Steam Punk FAC 29: WTF FAC 28: Sega vs. Nintendo FAC 27: Panzer Dragoon Series FAC 26: Marvel vs. Capcom FAC 25: Blizzard Games FAC 24: LucasArts Adventure Games FAC 23: Heroes as Villains FAC 22: Creatures FAC 21: Femme Fatales FAC 20: A Final Fantasy Christmas FAC 19: Ultimate Power FAC 18: Sidekicks FAC 17: Mecha FAC 16: Zombies FAC 15: Weapons FAC 14: Boss Month FAC 14: Chrono Series FAC 13: Konami FAC 12: Super Mario Bros. FAC 11: Phoenix Wright FAC 10: Castlevania FAC 9: Metroid FAC 8: Pokemon FAC 7: Ico/Shadow of the Colossus FAC 6: Final Fantasy VI FAC 5: Warioware FAC 4: Mega Man FAC 3: Zelda FAC 2: Skies of Arcadia FAC 1: Mana images from FAC 3 to FAC 10 Photobucket Albums from FAC 20 to present -------------------------- DEADLINES! PM your entries to me by SUNDAY, JULY 25th. -------------------------- Support this competition by wearing one of these fancy sig things, or make one of your own -
  14. and the winner is....relyanCe! WINNING ENTRY woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! stay tuned for next month's theme and thread
  15. Kay, seeing as there are 3 minutes until the deadline and I have no entries, I will just assume that there are no entries. So: 1) IF YOU HAVE WORKED ON AN ENTRY THIS MONTH AND JUST NEED ANOTHER 24 HOURS (which I don't believe is the case this time) PLEASE SAY SOMETHING IN A PM TO ME. 2) If I do not get any messages (let's say, by the end of tomorrow), I will end this month's competition and ask for suggestions for next month's theme. Depending on the amount of suggestions or particular appeal of one suggestion, we'll have a vote or I'll just pick a theme.
  16. deadline is tomorrow! and let me tell you what now. my inbox is empty. >
  17. Hey, I got the entries up on time this month! It helps that I am finally all graduated and also in a time zone where it's only 10pm In fact I was so productive that I POSTED ENTRIES AND DETERMINED A WINNER. Wow, I am efficient. WINNER -- Ninja-san, a bajillion votes
  18. FAC 35 it is a pretty awesome theme
  19. NO VOTING RESULT IS IN FAC 35 Theme: Body Swap Welcome to the May 2010 edition of the Fan Art Competition (FAC)! As winners of last month's competition, friendlyHunter and Keiiii got to choose the theme! "Inspired by the themes 'Gender Swap' and 'Morbid Obesity'... draw a character (or characters) in a different body! The new body can have similarities to the original one, or it can be completely different in every way. NOT limited to swapping bodies between characters, but that's allowed too!" --Keiiii and friendlyHunter PM your entries to me by SUNDAY, MAY 30th. -------------------------- WINNER -- Ninja-san, a bajillion votes -------------------------- List of Previous Competitions FAC 34: Role Reversal FAC 33: Free For All FAC 32: Revamped FAC 31: Video Game Remix Art FAC 30: Steam Punk FAC 29: WTF FAC 28: Sega vs. Nintendo FAC 27: Panzer Dragoon Series FAC 26: Marvel vs. Capcom FAC 25: Blizzard Games FAC 24: LucasArts Adventure Games FAC 23: Heroes as Villains FAC 22: Creatures FAC 21: Femme Fatales FAC 20: A Final Fantasy Christmas FAC 19: Ultimate Power FAC 18: Sidekicks FAC 17: Mecha FAC 16: Zombies FAC 15: Weapons FAC 14: Boss Month FAC 14: Chrono Series FAC 13: Konami FAC 12: Super Mario Bros. FAC 11: Phoenix Wright FAC 10: Castlevania FAC 9: Metroid FAC 8: Pokemon FAC 7: Ico/Shadow of the Colossus FAC 6: Final Fantasy VI FAC 5: Warioware FAC 4: Mega Man FAC 3: Zelda FAC 2: Skies of Arcadia FAC 1: Mana images from FAC 3 to FAC 10 Photobucket Albums from FAC 20 to present -------------------------- DEADLINES! PM your entries to me by SUNDAY, MAY 30th -------------------------- Support this competition by wearing one of these fancy sig things, or make one of your own -
  20. so, results are in, sorry for the delay! WOWZORS WHAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED
  21. you people are silly Monday's the last day for voting!
  22. Double posting to say I edited the first post with the entries. PM your top three picks to me by MONDAY, MAY 3rd.
  23. hey guys i'm really busy right now, and i don't think i can get around to posting the entries this evening either. i'll have time tomorrow evening though. sorry being afk for the past couple days. if you've already pmed me an entry, feel free to pm a different version if you want to work on it some more. so i guess the deadline is extended to 8pm Wednesday, PST.
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