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Posts posted by nrich

  1. I dunno. Ridiculous laughing scene? Teeth-gnashing butterfly minigame? GIANT SPACE TICK FINAL BOSS?

    Actually it's probably linear which yeah I guess would be disappointing after FF12.

    japanese humor like that translated for the americans is always bound to be corny. have you not watched anime? gtfo

    butterflies are metal. have you not seen a monarch present itself in a sexual manner? gtfo

    giant ticks remain to be the most frightening element of my nightmares. have you ever witnessed a tick kill a man? gtfo

    but in all seriousness, i like the fact that the actual final bosses of the game were pretty manageable, so newer and casual fans of the game wouldn't gnash their teeth over THAT when trying to simply beat the game. the calm lands arena, however, made up for those pushovers and delivered a great challenge. i'm pretty sure i gave up on the game for several months at some point because of it

    looking forward to ffxiii, but maybe not all the side games...we'll see

  2. i probably mention these games anytime i'm asked, but secret of evermore, brave fencer musashi and need for speed iii are full of such ridiculously good nostalgia. maybe that's why they remain underrated and are almost cultish. some runner-ups for me would be breath of fire ii and iii's soundtracks, although both are solid as fux

  3. Yes and no. Flash is still relatively new. While it doesn't hold a candle to classic cel animation, I believe the really good stuff is to come in about ten years. Case in point: Superjail is done entirely in flash and its the most fluid cartoon since Tex Avery. Plus, its cheap as hell to make. That studio shits gold.

    pfft no way, superjail has to be hand-drawn

  4. FFVII if anyone misses the thread starter's reference

    i can name a lot of tough motherfuckers i remember as a kid. terrapin from breath of fire 2 (snes version) still pisses me off to this day. the bonus dungeon on the gba port of FFVI is full of some really hard battles even at lv99. i can admit i've never beaten it yet

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