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Posts posted by Lunarfall

  1. I don't think tin foiling my wiring is a bright idea. Cause if I have to take it in to get rewired, the guys at the shop are gonna open it up and be like, "the fuck's goin on in here?!"

    but seriously, rigging it with tin foil doesnt seem appealing to me. When I get the money Im gona get the ns2. simpler for me and more useful i think.

    It's actually a common procedure. You won't believe how well it works until you actually do it. You're really supposed to use copper foil though.


  2. I don't understand how that footage looks "good". I think Sega is making a big mistake here, because it may look pretty, but it doesn't seem like it will feel like classic Sonic: the momentum is all wrong. There were clearly times when Sonic shouldn't have jumped as high or far as he did, or shouldn't have gotten up a particular incline, but did. If Sega makes the mistake of having the game run like it's "Push Right to Win" or something, this game will look good, but play like garbage.

    Seriously. Go back to sprites and 2D if you have to. Just get the fucking physics engine right.

    honestly people like you should just forget the game was even announced

    and lol at commenting on how the game will feel when you havent even fucking played it :lol:

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