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Posts posted by Lunarfall

  1. Metal:

    maudlin of the Well - The band members in Kayo Dot's old band. Basically the same concept except with much more death metal and jazz elements. (See Kayo Dot)


    Cynic - Jazz death metal. One of the first bands that heavily use robotic vocals.


    Disillusion - Prog metal that doesnt sound like a big wankfest. Riffs are extremely catchy. (Note: they seem to experiment a lot with genres, as their newest release is very industrial)

    Equilibrium - Folk metal done right

    Lykathea Aflame - Atmospheric Brutal Death Metal (yes, it does exist). The drummer has got to be God himself.

    Some non metal-related bands:

    Kayo Dot - Avant-garde-jazzy-progressive-classical-rock with huge amounts of experimentation and a little grind influence for good measure


    Portal - Spacy, atmospheric, jazzy group with female vocals


    (entire album is free to download at that site)

    Stars of the Lid - Ambient music with a huge classical influence


    Streetlight Manifesto - Technical 3rd wave ska. Literally shits over all other 3rd wave ska bands.

    Other bands:

    Ulver - Started as a black metal band, changed into neofolk, went back to black metal, and now kinda floats around the electronica, ambient and experimental genres. The posted one is a later work, and its kinda electornica-classical-experimental.

  2. Is there a reason past the shoddy biases of mainstream and anti-mainstream feeds on what dictates the quality of either? Otherwise I can't support your idea.
    Mainstream means nothing to me. There's only 3 kinds of music in the end: good, bad and meh. And all 3 bands are pretty damn bad.
  3. Not trying to make fun but this was a pretty cool typo.

    My apartment mates picked up a Dreamcast and games real cheap back in 2002, when the console had basically already died. I've got a lot of fond memories of Crazy Taxi and Chu Chu Rocket from then, I'd recommend those two. We also played a lot of Sonic Shuffle, but most of the enjoyment we got out of it was that it was a crappy game.

    I always liked Sonic Shuffle, although it did have some massive flaws, would have been a Mario Party killer if it didn't have them.
  4. If your guitar has a battery it has active electronics. Basically if the battery is dying, the guitar signal will fade in an out. If your guitar doesn't have a battery it has passive electronics.

    Have you went through all your effects to see if any of those are causing it?

  5. I recommend Kaspersky, as it does a fantastic job at finding everything, but like prophets of mephisto said, it sometimes gets important files, so you have to make sure you aren't deleting anything important. Unfortunately, I can't use it as my school requires Symantec Antivirus on all computer on the network...

  6. Omg, almost the exact setup as me, except I use Reaper... 0_0

    Anyway, from 0:38 to 0:57, 1:36 to 1:55 and at 2:53 to 3:31 the double kicks were meshing with the other instruments (specifically rhythm guitar) poorly and it sounded like a big muddy mess, and I know for a fact that the judges criticized a recent submission for doing the same thing. EQing can fix things up. The kick sample on Beatcraft can be made really great of you give it a nice boost starting at 1k and boosting the higher frequencies above it with Beatcraft's built in EQ.

    Also, someone mentioned the bad hi-hats earlier, and I have managed to make them sound better on Beatcraft with some EQ help, but it's just better to find cymbal samples online.

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