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Everything posted by SlickDaddySlick

  1. You know, now that I look at it, I was being a moron. There will be another Jack Thompson in the near future, and yes, even with him not as a major influence on anti-gaming, we're still giving him attention when we even talk about his defeat. Silly me.
  2. Sadly, for some people, those two lives merge together with each other. I may be wrong, but for some, that is the only life they can live. Almost all of the folks you talk with online, you may never see in real life, so don't dwell upon it. EDIT: Besides, the only people who deserves physical harm online are internet tough guys who talk a lot of shit online, but are general pussies and cowards offline. Still, like I stated above, you should not dwell on that.
  3. So apparently, some butthurt member got upset because a mod was doing his job? He went as far as killing the mod? Come on! This is why people need to stop taking the internet seriously. Something as minor as a mod giving you a warning is no reason to kill. Agreed. Play it smart kids and use common sense. You don't know who you're dealing with online.
  4. Mother fucker beat me to it! What about a greeter at Wal-Mart? I mean, he's the right age.
  5. Hello all! I'm new here! My name is SlickDaddySlick, and I've been a lurker here for almost about three years. I've recently joined this place so that I could show my support for indie musicians and video game music. I've been playing the piano for about five years and the cello for three years. I don't have any current plans for remixing or live covers but once I'll improve, I may think about it.
  6. So I stole this from GamePolitics but who cares?!
  7. ^Ugh, so I celebrated too soon. If it only apply to Florida, then dammit, he could still have a bit of a influence. Maybe I was a bit too happy and not look at the negatives. With his track record and background, I don't think people will take him seriously seeing that he was disbarred for -Sexual misconduct (he sent a judge gay porn, claiming it to be from a video game) -Harassing witnesses, judges, lawyers, and female lawyers. -Bodily harm
  8. My first post is that of great news. News that every gamer whats to hear: Jack Thompson, infamous lawyer of Florida has been banned from law . . .for life. You heard right. Wacko Jacko will never step in a court room as a lawyer, ever again. His ways of scapegoating, harassment, sexual misconduct came with a heavy price: The lost of his career. He does have 30 days to repeal the disembarrment, but with his recent past and his recent run-ins with other lawyers and judges, I doubt he'll be ever to retain his job! http://www.gamepolitics.com/2008/09/25/disbarred http://cdn1.libsyn.com/gamepolitics/JT-FLSC-disbarred.pdf?nvb=20080925183239&nva=20080926183239&t=08d3c434a3418dcf641ba But alas, that is just one little war us gamers has won. There are many, and many wars of us gamers to fight, to defend that gaming is an artform and not a negative influence on America.
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