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Posts posted by theshaggyfreak

  1. Hm, so they're in formats for Logic, Kontakt, Ableton Live, and Reason.  I know the free version of Kontakt can only play free samples for a limited time.  Are any of the others compatible with any generic VST samplers?


    You'd have to download the samples yourself and use whatever sample player you can load them into. You'll have to build a custom patch but at least you have access to the individual samples.

  2. Is anyone interested in putting a group together? You can save $10 per person if you get more than 8 people. That'd be $40 per person. Please let me know if you're in as soon as possible and we'll get this going. I have no problem organizing this if we get enough folks together. 

  3. I'll be releasing the first sound pack to those that back my Patreon campaign tomorrow! I have approximately 124 sound files ready to go! If you want to see the kind of content that I'll be providing in quality wav files, you can check out what I have on my Freesounds.org page: http://www.freesound.org/people/theshaggyfreak/


    Here's a list of the raw wav files included in the first sound pack: 



    by people cats
    ./animals/by people:
    dog1.wav dog2.wav dog3.wav
    echo-birdychirp.wav echo-meow.wav
    kia soul
    ./car/kia soul:
    car_start1.wav door_slam.wav keys_ignition.wav locking.wav turn_signal.wav
    car_start2.wav emergency_break.wav keys_jingle.wav power_window.wav
    kitchen studio bathroom
    garbage disposal.wav pot_lid1.wav pot_lid2.wav pot_lid3.wav
    ./household/studio bathroom:
    cupboard_door1.wav door_creak2.wav faucet.wav shower_door_open1.wav toilet_paper_roller.wav
    cupboard_door2.wav door_creak3.wav plunger_in_toilet.wav shower_door_open2.wav
    door_creak1.wav exhaust_fan.wav shower_door_close.wav toilet.wav
    ElectricShaver.wav computer_keyboard_typing1.wav knockknock2.wav match light2.wav
    Sipping1.wav computer_keyboard_typing2.wav knockknock3.wav screeching_top_rewind.wav
    Sipping2.wav computer_keyboard_typing3.wav machbox1.wav thump1.wav
    Sipping3.wav door_slam1.wav machbox2.wav thump2.wav
    Sipping4.wav door_slam2.wav machbox3.wav thump3.wav
    bottle1.wav door_slam3.wav machbox4.wav typewriter.wav
    cat_toy-spinning_ball.wav knockknock1.wav match light1.wav
    burke lake 6-30-15 misc
    ./outdoors/burke lake 6-30-15:
    breaking_stick1.wav metalic_sounds2.wav train_pass1.wav waking_in_the_woods2.wav
    breaking_stick2.wav rattling_chains1.wav train_pass2.wav waking_in_the_woods3.wav
    geese1.wav rattling_chains2.wav train_whistle.wav waking_in_the_woods4.wav
    geese2.wav rattling_chains3.wav trash_can1.wav waves_on_the_lake.wav
    instrument samples shaking_branch1.wav trash_can2.wav woods_ambience.wav
    metalic_sounds1.wav shaking_branch2.wav waking_in_the_woods1.wav
    rain (frontdoor).wav windchimes.wav
    dremeltool drill electricScrewdriver multitool ratched screwdriver
    dremel tool.wav dremel_loop1.wav dremel_loop2.wav dremel_loop3.wav dremel_loop4.wav
    Drill1.wav Drill2.wav Drill3.wav Drill4.wav
    ElectricScrewdriver1.wav ElectricScrewdriver2.wav ElectricScrewdriver3.wav ElectricScrewdriver4.wav
    Multitool1.wav Multitool2.wav
    ./tools/ratched screwdriver:
    ratchet_screwdriver2.wav ratchet_screwdriver4.wav ratchet_screwdriver6.wav
    ratchet_screwdriver1.wav ratchet_screwdriver3.wav ratchet_screwdriver5.wav ratchet_screwdriver7.wav
  4. I'm cleaning some stuff off my shelf that we're not really interested in anymore. So, you get these four games with Microphone for $15 plus shipping. E-mail me shaggy@zoiks.org if you're interested. First come first serve!



  5. I'm in the process of building my own library of field recordings and sounds. I've decided to let most of them loose on my Freesound.org page as a way of giving back to the community there. All sound will be on a Creative Commons license and some of them will be available for commercial projects. Right now there are only a few recordings there but I have quite a few that are waiting on moderators to accept. I'll be adding more and more on a consistent basis. 


    If you find this sort of project useful to you, please check out my Patreon page and consider pledging your support. Those that do will receive higher quality versions of the sound files that I'm uploading as well as some other benefits. My Patreon page describes a bit more in detail about how I'm handling this project. 




    Here are all those links again...




  6. This could be good as long as they stick with the original concept. If they take the Fraggles as a whole out of Fraggle Rock, then it'll be absolutely terrible. That's what I'm most worried about. They should have minimal interaction with any human characters. I'm quite a bit fan of Fraggle Rock myself since I watched it during the original run when I was kid. I now own all of the DVDs.

  7. Some stuff I'm selling:

    A Chip Maestro cartridge for the NES. It basically lets you plug in a MIDI controller and use the NES as a synth. It works fine but I just haven't used it much since I got it. $50 + shipping and you get the cartridge plus the original box. Here's more info on it: http://www.soniktech.com/chipmaestro/ **SOLD**

    A version 1 ART Tube MP Studio and I'm selling it for $30 + shipping. You get the preamp, power adapter, original box and materials. Here's more info on it: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/art-tube-mp-studio-mic-preamp

    Feel free to private message me or e-mail me at shaggy@zoiks.org if you're interested.

  8. Okay, here's the deal. I'm the sound designer for a show for this coming spring. I have a few things that a crowd of spectators chant and I'm looking for about ten people to record some very short lines for me. This is not a paid gig (it's community theater) but I will try to get the names of those people I use in the shows program. No guarantees, though.

    1. Go Justin! - I need "Go Justin!" chanted four times in a row at 130bpm. Here's a demo of what I'm looking for: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6718229/crowd%20stuff/GoJustin_Demo.wav

    2. Hicks! - I'm looking for more or less the same thing as in #1. Here's the demo of what I need: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6718229/crowd%20stuff/Hicks_Demo.wav

    3. There he is! - The line here is, "There he is! It's Justin Hicks! Yay!". Here's a demo of what I'm looking for: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6718229/crowd%20stuff/ThereHeIs_Demo.wav

    Please get these to me in Wav format. I would prefer you send me a link via something like Dropbox but e-mail is okay too (shaggy@zoiks.org). Also, make sure I get your real name if I use you and I have the ability to get the names in the program. The show is called The Fox on the Fairway and it'll be shown in the Spring at the Reston Community Center here in Northern Virginia. Feel free to ask any questions you might have.

  9. I do need to sit down with the voice channel and tune things in a bit more to my voice. It has a lot of options for a moderately priced piece of gear. Also, things in that closet aren't perfect. There are still some things that I still need to tame in there. This setup has been working well for me, though, and I haven't had any clients complain about the quality of the audio that I send them.

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