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Everything posted by Arkafazin

  1. haha, reminds me of how I play games sometimes XD;;. I'll just start to get fed up with something and start cussing and playing worse than when I first started.... XD
  2. I love Tchaikovsky's music *_*. 1812 never motivates me to tears though, it just pumps me up full of energy XD. His 4th and 5th symphonies though (moreso his 5th) can bring out the emotions in me.
  3. Not too many songs have moved me to tears, but one in particular did earlier this year from the lyrical content reflecting a relationship loss I went through. "Camellia" - Shimatani Hitomi I looked up the translation of the lyrics thinking they would be something totally different but found something that moved me to tears instead (check them out yourself XD Link. By the way, Shimatani Hitomi is wonderful and I was thinking about making a remix (eventually, maybe, one day....) that reflected the style of music she has. And as an important sidenote, she's gorgeous .
  4. I found out about this site years ago, but only came on off and on to see new remixes every couple of months (I'd get distracted with other things XD). Anyways, I just recently registered myself on the forums basically to get to know people who have the same interests I do: video games, music, and the combination of the two. I've been playing video games since I discovered Sonic the Hedgehog back when I was 5 and have been into music almost as long. I started playing piano when I was 6 years old and I can still play somewhat (I haven't been practicing ^_^"), but I'm better at clarinet which I started to play when I was 11 or so. I've got a good grasp of theory as well as some orchestration though I'm still learning. I don't have access to any programs or equipment to record or remix anything currently, but I would like to look into it eventually. If you need any clarinet in your remix (very rare I'm sure), I'm more than willing to throw something in. I do play the instrument proficiently . That's about it for me. I'll be around.
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