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Divine Wrath

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Everything posted by Divine Wrath

  1. oopss... when do i need to have the next source in by, and who do i sent it to?
  2. hey, thanks!
  3. I entered...
  4. just put up my entry!
  5. i think i'll give it a shot
  6. finished this yesterday. let me know what you think! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2jBEUuUh7A
  7. so i put up a "video" (just a song with a picture background) on youtube of my CMC 28 entry. the picture i used was the OCremix logo. this may not have been the right forum to post on, but could some one get back and let me know if its ok that i used the logo or if i should change the video.
  8. Could I help? I've done a lot of my own recordings and play guitar and bass.

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