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Everything posted by katethegreat19

  1. Heya Brandon~ Just an update! The first month of rest has already had a good effect - the doctor thinks I'll be back to singing in just another month or two! Will be handing in final FF tracks to you on time (not fashionably late >:D ) weeee!

  2. Hi there!!

    Ah! Yes I did! Thank you very much :) I haven't logged in for a while, sorry for the very late reply ^w^; I'm hoping there's been movement in the FF9 album project since I've been gone. *dreams* XD

  3. Wow, thank you very much!! *o* I really appreciate it!

  4. Any word yet on Quad Mist?
  5. Ahh I'm excited for the present When will we receive it Santa Fishy?
  6. Let me know if anyone needs last minute vocal lines, etc. Very excited this gorgeous album is coming to fruition at last!
  7. You can use the song in your AMV! Have fun!!! :)

  8. Good! Good! And yourself?
  9. I would love to do a collab with you at some point! :) Just keep me posted!

  10. Wow, that's some awesome watercoloring! Do want
  11. Almost done with 'Unforgotten Face', should have something ready to send to Fishy in the next few days
  12. Hey Chaeley, I've sent several emails your way, did they ever arrive in your inbox? ^w^

    Hope to talk to you soon!

  13. ha ha zircon is one smart dude...holding a contest to fill up the remaining tracks of FFVI quickly AND with quality control. Why didn't we think of that?!
  14. Had a quick question! Will our tracks in the album project also be submitted/posted in general to OCR, or will I need to submit them separately? I've never been involved in an album project before so I don't know xD
  15. Kate can't wait!! \^0^/
  16. I'm don't think Fishy got my email yet, so I'm going to post this here too: I'm not going to be able to complete my 'Secret Library Daguerreo' Track in time for the deadline, due to a big composing job that dropped into my lap this month. I'm sorry ;_; So 'Secret Library Daguerreo' is officially OPEN.
  17. Ugh another push-back?! NO LIKEY.
  18. YAY deadline! Can't wait! Hey Fishy, is Loss of Me really still unclaimed?! Could I put my Rose General track in for that (I know it's been released for two years already, but...)
  19. Thanks! Yes the violin is actually my first and formost instrument! I only started singing and playing the others instruments as a teen
  20. Gosh thanks guys! ;_; nice comments from my favorite OCRemixers, a nice comment from Yasunori Mitsuda himself...O.O.... yeah, I think some celebrating is in order! And perhaps some liquor.....xD
  21. No I haven't yet ^w^; Can you link me?

  22. Chaeley-chan!!! ^0^ *waves*

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