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Fused King

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Everything posted by Fused King

  1. Your enthusiasm about this site, equals mine.

    Well on ya mate, well on ya.

    The Chrono Trigger album just, ........WOW!....That one blew me away.

  2. I was wondering if anyone has the translation of the lyrics from "Schala and the Queen" and I also want yo know what language the lyrics are. I'm thinking it's Japanese (because the game is pretty traditional in its drawings and such) but I'm not entirely sure. Enlighten me.
  3. I'm also fairly new here. I ,too, have downloaded here for a long time, but now I'm just figuring out the forum and I got to say it's a bit more confusing than other forums, but I'll get used to it, No worries. I think I'm going to go to the request threads now XD
  4. Wow, Guess I'll better wait untill you're finished otherwise I'll end up with thousands of sub-versions of this song on my Mp3 We wouldn't want that, now would we...... All of the versions were good though!
  5. Yup, you're good! Those little pop-ups of other themes in the remix is Brilliant!!!!!
  6. Smooth like awesomess. That's the phrase I was looking for. Man, I so love people who are good with music!
  7. I'm not quite fond of it, I guess 8-bit is not my style. But I can say that I really enjoyed the windwaker too, and its music was extraordinary. Remixes of its themes shouldn't be 8-bit in my opinion, but you can;t blame a guy for trying. :<just sta a fan of Toon Link:<
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