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Posts posted by TheKrow

  1. So fairly recently, and I'm not sure why, whenever I render my tracks in FL they seem to come out significantly quieter than normal. It never really used to do this before, and I'm not sure why it would now, since I really haven't been doing anything too different. I use a limiter, although I only usually set it to about -0.2dB... The weird thing is everything sounds perfect in FL, but once exported there's major drop in volume. There's no difference whether I render it into an mp3, ogg, or wav file.

    Also just a note, I can render MIDI files and they come out the same volume. Not sure if that helps indicate anything. Any advice?

  2. Alright so let's say that I'm contributing music to something of a 2-D video game. I want the MIDIs I compose to be able to loop back to a certain point in the song, without starting from the very beginning of the track... Much like you would hear in many SNES games.

    Is there a way to somehow encode MIDIs (or even any other kind of audio file) to do this right after finishing?

  3. Krow, I'm going to exaggerate a little to help you understand how meticulous this guy is trying to be with his MIDI's:

    basically he wants the MIDI's to give you the same bloody checksum as the original game music

    Ah, makes sense. That's silly though...

  4. Interesting; most of the MIDI files I get from there are top-notch, but I guess I'm just lucky with my game choice or something.

    The tracks do sound pretty good quality wise. The only thing that's really taking away from them is some humanization like on the percussion and few other instruments. Also, mixing and mastering would help everything blend better, but you could probably get away without doing it.

  5. Though a Hermaprodite I still think she's cute. It's not like she asked for small, sterile male parts. Aside my engaged status, I wouldn't go for her though if I had the knowledge.

    Maybe you didn't see her vagina-crushing outfit she wore at this year's Grammy's. Believe what you'd like, but I find this slightly more convincing.


    (yes, it IS a scary pic)

  6. Sounds mostly like a MIDI rip to me, with a little bit of interpretive harp. The string samples sound too fake for them to be used by themselves, so you'll have to mix them in with other instruments to get them to sound better (of course they're decent compared to some other samples I've heard...).

    If you want it to sound more "foresty" may I suggest a flute and perhaps some hand percussion? Maybe some piano? The harp sounds pretty good.

    That's all I can really say for right now, it just needs more to it arrangement-wise. Listening to it again though I remember how much I love this source tune. I hope you decide to continue working on this.

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