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Posts posted by TheKrow

  1. I can't get used to the switch axe. That and Great sword just feel so slow to set up for me, I hate it. Mobility is a pretty big deal to me against most bosses.

    Switch Axe isn't so bad once you get used to it, it's actually my main damage dealer because of the spamability (new word) and range of it. It's fairly fast compared to larger weapons. The great sword is indeed pretty slow, but that's made up for by giving it a guard function.

  2. I tend to use SnS a lot when I don't want to waste potions :P

    It's great for jumping in with a combo, dodging, running out, and repeating this process; your risk of taking damage it very low (especially with auto-block). It's surprisingly effective, especially if you have poison or paralyze.

  3. I've been playing this since it's came out. First MH game and it's awesome! I'm mostly online when I play cause solo mode isn't that fun; so I'd be more than happy to play with whoever. I should be on most of this weekend. Probably have 50+ hours already :<

    No wiispeak sorry.

    HN: Kuon

    ID: ZW675J

  4. Cool stuff Radiowar, love this source.

    Just a few things I think could help improve this:

    -The lead synth in the beginning could probably use a little bit more build up before coming in fully.

    -Definitely needs a bit more rhythmic diversity such as some less prominent percussion or change in hi-hat/snare/kick sounds. The 4 on the floor fits well enough to be used through most of it, but to pull that off, you'll need more percussion diversity. Some interesting panning might help you pull that off, too.

    -Crashes might help, but they're probably not necessary. You could try to tone them down with filtering and such to make them more ambient.

    -Less prominent harmonies or melodies backing up the lead will definitely help give it some more body. Using arpeggios might be a good idea. Acoustic instruments like a piano or strings might help as well.

    Your synth choice so far fits very well together so far, so I would probably stick with those smoother textures. The kick levels sound great so far too; not too weak, not too strong. Bass also bonds well with it. I'm looking forward to seeing this progress.

  5. A recent one for me.

    Playing Dragon Age, I'm on the final boss of the Dwarven deep roads. I've been getting my ass handed to me all day long, and I finally, FINALLY manage to win the battle through a large amount of luck and extreme effort. As the cutscene begins after defeating the boss...BOOM. BSOD.

    Reason #148345 why nobody should use Vista, ever.

    Oh man, I hated the random crashes too. I became so paranoid I practically quicksaved every 10 or so steps. And isn't the Broodmother just like, the best boss evur?

  6. okay here's mine:

    My first time through FFVIII, I got to Ultimecia's castle, but found the entrance beasts so ridiculously strong that I couldn't beat them. So, I thought what I'd do was gameshark my stats up to level the playing field. So, I 'sharked everyone's levels up to 100.

    Sounds like a good idea, right? So I did that, then saved over my only file.

    So what did I get from this? Level 100 enemies with retarded amounts of health, and me with level 34 GFs and practically no magic, apparently stuck in Ultimecia's castle.

    shit, guys

    This made me LOL. Were you a wee lad when this happened?

  7. Many years ago as a kid, I had gone through my Silver Version of Pokemon. I played all day using a gameshark for infinite items and such and had made it all the way into the 1st gym in Kanto, that day. I accidently bumped my gameshark freezing my game.

    I restarted my game only to find myself in front of Mr. Pokemon's house. Hilarity did not ensue.

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