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  1. here's a video of it, just skip to 4:30 http://speeddemosarchive.com/demo.pl?MonsterParty_1633
  2. nice little a Capella SMW map music with... how do i put this... interesting lyrics and the greatest song ever in the latin jazz/ big band genre
  3. i have the mp3s of the original songs that i would like to request. what site should i use to host them? any sites i find with google seem sketchy or require subscription.
  4. The music in Eternal Sonata is some of the best i have heard in both videogames and mainstream music. I guess it would only be expected of a game about music to have a phenomenal sound track, but a couple worth mention are the battle music, "Leap the Precipice", and a particular boss fight track, "Broken Balance". These two are, imo, the high points (and maybe kyoutenka), and it would be awesome to see them re-imagined via wailing guitars and such. edit: this just occurred to me, there is a surprising lack of megaman 1's cutman area theme remixes. The one that is there however, is beyond awesome but still, its just one.
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